Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447159 times)

that's a huge demo bro (>10MB)
all of the filesize is from the cutscenes which are separate files

a pm i got that i'm posting here because i thought my answer might be helpful to some of you
Is unreal better than unity? Just curious I might use it some point
i tried getting into unity twice and both times i failed but you should take note that when i tried unity twice it was years ago when i didn't have a lot of experience with object oriented programming, like what you get with unity's C#. i was turned off for whatever reason, probably just being bored with whatever i was developing. i wasn't doing anything too exciting in unity though so me being turned off might have been my fault. i tried unreal a few weeks ago though and its the most fun i've been having programming in a while.

as far as i can tell, unity does not have a native visual scripting tool which makes it worse off than unreal. coding in something like scratch (which are what blueprints are) might be repulsive at first like it is to me, but you can code in C++ if you want to and i find blueprints useful for like developing weapons where a lot of the same code is reused from previous weapons and all you have to do is some minor customization. you can make entire games in 100% blueprints. i've seen someone make a civ 5-like random map generator entirely in blueprints, so the blueprint system is evidently incredibly versatile and if scratch is your jam then this stuff will be really easy for you.

for how good the engines are i'm not sure. they're both fast as stuff and you can get some real incredible looking stuff out of both if you put in a lot of effort.

Hi, developers

I started my game project named "HOLY PIZZA".
it's a brutal pizza delivery game,
it includes gore.

Here's screenshot what I've just started to work the game,
Don't worry I will improve the graphics, programming, map, etc.

(note: The Game engine is Love2D)


anybody remember this 3d paper game someone posted here?
the setting was a ship i think
im trying to find it but i cant

Continuing work on UTurn Based from the ground up. i redesigned neighbor checks so that it is easier to store. the next step will be adding a basic Dijkstra search to determine paths so that units can move around the tilemap


the lines are connections to neighbors
purple = north
red = east
green = south
blue = west

this will help later when i implement coverage (some tiles will have walls on the sides meaning you cant move through them)


the old turn based spawned nodes on top of cubes and did an area search and added nearby neighbors to the neighbor list (it was stupid) now i'm doing it more accurately
« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 03:05:34 PM by PhantOS »

FURBY IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!

okay guys so

i felt that having just one playable character the entire game would be too linear so

i had to make another playable character to spice things up

i introduce.......



i created him because i felt Toh-Loo-Kah would need a buddy in order for him get through the cubico chaos.

He comes from an alternate anicent race, Cubikaio, which is basically a non-hostile version of the Cubicos. Cubikai came to Furbyland to battle the cubicos after the Furbys discovered them. He noticed Toh-Loo-Kah was trying to beat the cubico race, so he walked up to Toh-Loo-Kah and explained the entire situation. he said the cubicos were trying to find a place to hide while the cubikaios were holding their commanders hostage, and they were trying to destroy all of furbyland and make it their new home. Toh-Loo-Kah started to panic, he felt that he couldnt do this alone. so Cubikai said that he would help Toh-Loo-Kah along this terrible war, and also free many innocent furbyland citizens.

Edit: Oh crap i forgot

they wont be selectable, theyll switch between worlds automatically, just Like SA2.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 11:53:33 PM by OfficerZach7551 »

will there be a dark story mode along with the hero mode, and is there going to be a true story mode at the end of both?

will there be a dark story mode along with the hero mode, and is there going to be a true story mode at the end of both?

thats not what i meant

i meant theyll switch between certain parts of the game, there wont be multiple campaigns

too-loo-kah vs cubikai


are you mentally handicapped

i already said they were gonna be on the same side