Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447629 times)

it's literally like 16x16 just loving draw it
i don't wan't to play "zachies mod" again but i gotta 4 dat Constructive Criticism Negative Feedback
edit: nvm no download
so zach did you listen to literally any of my criticisms for your Mod

i replaced the thirdperson sprites because why not

more demo nonsense

list of things i fixed or added
fist sprite replaced
exits now work (except for the 2nd stage because i obviously havent finished the boss fight
thirdperson chasecam sprites
custom difficulty names

Zach, you should post about your mod on the zdoom forums. They'll be able to help you out way more than we can.

Zach, you should post about your mod on the zdoom forums. They'll be able to help you out way more than we can.
can confirm this 1000%

Again? *sigh*

(Click this image to see this.)

stop playing it in dutal broom you idiot

i could probably add sprites for brutal doom cause the style seems easy to recreate

maybe other mod compatibility and more enemies

brutal doom in 2018 lol

brutal doom brothers be like: ummm the original doom is super gorey and violent and brutal doom only makes it better in every way.......................... ............................. ......... but also i've never touched vanilla doom cuz it doesn't have le rip and tear

brutal doom is stuff

the first map is the same; except theres a loving horrible looking exit door at the end

the second map is slightly better in design, but the door textures are completely forgeted and at one point zach gives up and goes back to drawing tapeworms
the entire level is also the same wall floor and ceiling textures, the walls being from wolf3d, the floor being from what looks like rise of the triad and the ceiling is the same loving default gzdoom builder ceiling texure
the doors literally don't function on the other side, meaning you cant go back into the previous room

also doraemon is literally loving Riddler

the music in this level makes me want to kill myself to stop the pain who the forget can play the banjo this fast yet so stuffty
the second level also does not have an exit, instead it has a mysterious rectangular cube coated with door textures

third level: actual physical complete loving garbage

you're given no extra ammo or weapons to fight a stuffty reskin of literally a loving cyberdemon
you have only the pistol and the shotgun and whatever ammo left to fight a BOSS MONSTER that phases between pikachu on top of a flying pot and a cyberdemon
the map only consists of 9 linedefs, only for this single-roomed stuffty map that doesnt even have an exit and is definitely ejust put in to loving kill you, even though doraemon is supposed to be the super epic hero that kills pikachus because DONT FORGET GUYS I DONT LIKE POKEMONE!!!!!!

im feeling a strong 5 to a light 6

brutal doom brothers be like: ummm the original doom is super gorey and violent and brutal doom only makes it better in every way.......................... ............................. ......... but also i've never touched vanilla doom cuz it doesn't have le rip and tear
there was an ms paint image saying something exactly like this that i had saved on my phone back in january and i was gonna post it but for whatever reason it got corrupted and it wont show up on neither discord or the gallery