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Author Topic: DrumStix's Island Fortwars! [New Content] [Please Read!]  (Read 10041 times)

when was the last time there was a fort wars that had effort put into preparing, like with modter terrain prebuilt and stuff? now a fort wars is either just a flat piece of stuff or just water.

when was the last time there was a fort wars that had effort put into preparing, like with modter terrain prebuilt and stuff? now a fort wars is either just a flat piece of stuff or just water.

He isn't jealous, its just the server really is bad.
No place to build just a flat land with spam and giant towers.
There are no rules about events / using brick shields / the weapons are terrible

Well if there is stuff he would like to point out constructively, okay.

and I don't know if your blind, but the admins are terrible, build is terrible, the server is just a complete mess.

That isn't constructive, that's flaming.

Could you guys stop stuffting on us?

haven't been on the server in a while, or the topic, or blockland in general

gettin' some hate

I understand this server is not very organized. For now on I will be more organized, and have more rules and such.

Fixed up the topic with rules and such. I will add more about the game and how to play soon.

all fortwars servers are like this;
and usually you cant make a base from gettng spawn-killed, etc

Glass, don't be jealous :3
I'm so jealous because I hosted a successful organized server, you got me.

I'm so jealous because I hosted a successful organized server, you got me.

Organized? Ahahahhabwahaahaha no.

I'm so jealous because I hosted a successful organized server, you got me.

Also note that this project has only been underway for only like a week, nothing is going to be perfect yet.  Yours have been up for a long while now.  I don't keep track of all your servers, but they are popular because you have worked on them for months and even years.

Also note that this project has only been underway for only like a week, nothing is going to be perfect yet.  Yours have been up for a long while now.  I don't keep track of all your servers, but they are popular because you have worked on them for months and even years.

Yes, This is V.1, There will be much better add-ons and maps in the future. I am trying my best guys. I just want people to play a good server, I'm trying to get back on the server list, like everyone else would.

Name: Jawbreaker


Experiences: I am not admin on very many servers, but I am admin on my friend's server most of the time, and when I do I usually moderate it the best I can, I protect the server from spammers, trollers, etc. I know I am not very experienced, but this will be a first and I will do the best I can to moderate it and learn from what I do.

Recommendations: DrumStix, Miniman, and Cocoa1234

Why Should I admin you? I mainly want to help the server be better than it already is! I really enjoy this server, and play often. I would be very appreciative if I get admin to learn on what I do. I understand that being admin is a privilege, and in order to obtain this privilege you have to succeed in the past things which I have done, I know I am not very experienced, but this would really improve my skills.

Other Notes I really enjoy the server and would like to help out. Plus I am your cousin! So you should trust me.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 11:00:58 AM by Jawbreaker »



Experiences: I am a reg on Tezuni's Jail Escape and always go by the rules

Recommendations: DrumStixa and Cocoa1234

Why Should You be Admin?: As I previously said, I abide by the rules, and will enforce them as well.  I will also solve problems without arguing and help with new builds.

Applications has done errors, an looks kind of dull. Could you maybe find other recommendations?