Author Topic: My Dropbox was reported by Joshua "IcyGamma" Liddle  (Read 20947 times)

My god lol this kid needs a reality check.

"The People Who Are Reading This Are Pricks"
The new in-depth IcyGamma biography about how he changed the cosmos by making a computer using basic events and proudly waving it around the forums like some sort of thing to look up to.

I can tell that this is going to become my favorite thread very soon.

Oh, apparently I wasn't a "clever chap". lol

apparently the file is damaged so I cant open it???

my nam is icgamoo and i am above all of you with my autsm!!!

I thought it was a parody

Keeps saying file is damaged so I cant open it :(

I remember IcyGamma. He had a good run here.

PLOT TWIST: Icy did actually do that but is using the attention, and the fact that everyone will be on his side, to make a comeback and be relevant again.

after been many months since i last read it. it made my day yet again


I thought high school was bad...

How old were all these people at the time?

I thought high school was bad...

How old were all these people at the time?
it was about a year and a half ago, give or take