Author Topic: My Dropbox was reported by Joshua "IcyGamma" Liddle  (Read 22795 times)


Well, I mean, to have a "higher quality" of "artwork" suggests I have a quality artwork already.

I'm just teasing.

But yeah it is quite easy to throw together films in Blockland. In the Isar films, I just got random people off RTB chat to play different parts. If you watch the credit sequence, you'll see there are more player names than characters lol.

Well, I mean, to have a "higher quality" of "artwork" suggests I have a quality artwork already.
What the hell do you even do exactly?

What the hell do you even do exactly?

... no its just when you said... you ... what?

I miss when we played on my server and you weren't confusing me. :c

Why can't people just forget about this and move on.

because icy decided to be a cunt and get public sharing on my dropbox—which I use daily to share images, add-ons, etc.—disabled

because icy decided to be a cunt and get public sharing on my dropbox—which I use daily to share images, add-ons, etc.—disabled
...But that's his right.

Just sign up for a new dropbox.

...But that's his right.

I'm not saying he can't do that
I'm saying that that's why this topic was made

Just sign up for a new dropbox.

it's not that simple

it might be that simple

There is no movie without the book. 

The builds were ready and the script was done. It was just a matter of getting a voice actor and pulling some randoms off RTB chat to be the "physical" actors. Same thing I do with all my movies.
setup, filming, editing still had to be done. and given that you wrote a 20,000 word biography, I can only assume this supposed project was going to be pretty long. So once again, why would you release it so early? And where did you explain that it was all for a machinima before? In fact, why didn't you immediately qualify when people started tearing you a new one on the old thread?

There are just too many holes. I would just admit it and try to move on, Icy.

the "i was doing a social experiment for a school project and you were all the tools" is a better and more common thing to do when you fail-hard.

but this was close enough

Uh no, I revealed this a lonnng time a go.
Its really not as interesting as you wish it were.
You've said that three times. Who cares what you say? Prove it or it's just more examples of you bullstuffting into infinity, lol.

Electrk you are choosing to believe it was me. I don't even know why you think I'd report your Dropbox like I wanted to personally upset you. What interest would I have?

setup, filming, editing still had to be done. and given that you wrote a 20,000 word biography, I can only assume this supposed project was going to be pretty long. So once again, why would you release it so early? And where did you explain that it was all for a machinima before? In fact, why didn't you immediately qualify when people started tearing you a new one on the old thread?

Writing it took a while, it wasn't done overnight, and I wasn't sure if I'd ever finish it. It was a guideline for where the movie would go, since I wanted it to portray actual happenings in Blockland and I can only really use my own experiences for that.

The machinima would have been maybe 30 minutes, it is hard to tell. Without a word-for-word script, which I never do, it is easy to race through. I can't really say what the outcome would have been.

I don't tend to talk about my projects before hand, either. I once did this melodramatic machinima "Thereafter" which I made and released without anyone knowing. It didn't get much viewing, so I never did it like that again.

Taking of Isar was already known to people so that was easy. The Late Night Blockland Show had a teaser before the episode was even made.

I didn't give it away when the book turned to drama because... well, as I say, drama has always been helpful in floating projects. If I said "oh no its okay its just a sham" people would have lost interest, accused me of trolling, and so on. I did continue work on the movie after the bio came out but it didn't get very far.

There are many machinimas I have half made or never finished. This is just a particularly significant crumble.

You've said that three times. Who cares what you say? Prove it or it's just more examples of you bullstuffting into infinity, lol.

Just because you are tired of it doesn't make it less true.

I will always view your opinions as an inside joke because it just doesn't reflect the process and intentions I had. That is just how it is.

Large posts arent more convincing than short posts. Give us PROOF

I don't think you're making any progress trying to convince people that your 20,000 page (auto)biography was a farce made to be a part of a Machinima.

Electrk you are choosing to believe it was me. I don't even know why you think I'd report your Dropbox like I wanted to personally upset you. What interest would I have?

Writing it took a while, it wasn't done overnight, and I wasn't sure if I'd ever finish it. It was a guideline for where the movie would go, since I wanted it to portray actual happenings in Blockland and I can only really use my own experiences for that.

The machinima would have been maybe 30 minutes, it is hard to tell. Without a word-for-word script, which I never do, it is easy to race through. I can't really say what the outcome would have been.

I don't tend to talk about my projects before hand, either. I once did this melodramatic machinima "Thereafter" which I made and released without anyone knowing. It didn't get much viewing, so I never did it like that again.

Taking of Isar was already known to people so that was easy. The Late Night Blockland Show had a teaser before the episode was even made.

I didn't give it away when the book turned to drama because... well, as I say, drama has always been helpful in floating projects. If I said "oh no its okay its just a sham" people would have lost interest, accused me of trolling, and so on. I did continue work on the movie after the bio came out but it didn't get very far.

There are many machinimas I have half made or never finished. This is just a particularly significant crumble.

Just because you are tired of it doesn't make it less true.

I will always view your opinions as an inside joke because it just doesn't reflect the process and intentions I had. That is just how it is.
Given your past of lies, I can't really trust this.
I don't think you're making any progress trying to convince people that your 20,000 page (auto)biography was a farce made to be a part of a Machinima.

Especially given that you didn't immediately explain that it was part of a machinima in your second post in this thread. I find it more likely that you took a bit to think of a lie.