Author Topic: A better train mod.  (Read 1356 times)

I was wondering if someone out there could make a better train mod. The one we have now just focuses on roller coasters. I need a train mod that can link cars together and can kill players, bots and vehicles while the train is in motion. I also need options to make the train invulnerable.

Custom track bricks would be a nice addition too.

I need a train mod that can link cars together
That's pretty much impossible.

Um, no.
Then you do it. Make sure they also chain together around curves, and that movement doesn't look jagged to clients.

sadly i dont think this is possible.

I was while back working on a system where you can create nodes to where the trains will follow, it also worked with linked trains by creating a delay in the path, but you couldn't control the train, and the train wouldn't kill you (but this could be added).
I might consider working on it again, if I do I'll be sure to post here.
I might also make it add tracks automatically using static shapes, and work on curves.

That's pretty much impossible.
Are you this dismissive in every single loving topic I see you in? Honestly. Stop posting.

Linking cars could work if the train is going slow.

You could also in theory model a train and cars and animate it to turn when it hits a turn event.

Anyone at all that could come up with some modifications?

That's pretty much impossible.
do you know what you're talking about lol

Chrisbot6 has a pretty good train mod. You should suggest these things to him.

Suggestions and requests should be removed, if all that's going to be suggested is borderline impossible or stupid.

Suggestion, "Can we make ____?"
Community/experienced scripters "Sure, Yes, Why not!?"
Asker "Well....Can you do it?"
Community/experienced scripters ". . . . . *cough* . . . . ."

Pretty self explanatory, you'd be lucky if you even see the base for the code.