Author Topic: Scar Z| take a break  (Read 8266 times)

From what I can tell, scar is either an EXTREMELY simple minded individual, or an excellent troll.
But her actions today around me lead me to believe she's honest, just blatantly stupid.

So no, I don't think she is kitty as well, as I don't think her parents could be fooled by her to re-pay for a game.
Unless it's a sister. But to be quite honest I don't see Kitty lasting much longer than scar did, if anything scar seems slightly smarter than kit

Judging by her player-character/avatar, her overall attitude and her sentence structure, we're deducing that Scar is a she.

That and (possibly) a friend of hers on a server I administrate spoke of Scar in a feminine tone, so again; assuming.