
What's your Desktop Enviroment?

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Author Topic: linux_megathread_3.pkg.tar.xz -- Post your desktop!  (Read 43846 times)

Remove the borders. Make the background black. Make the command at the top the same text style as the rest of the page.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 06:08:46 PM by blueblur121 »

^ that and also use a monospace font if that's the look you're going for

I'm pretty proud of myself :D

This little thing is pretty fast now.

i can't even do anything on my laptop anymore for some reason it just became horribly slow
idk i haven't been using it for a while, and the KDE environment has been sitting on there for a while

Anyone tried Evo/Lution? Apparently, it's a graphical arch installer live CD. You can do a base install, or choose a DE or WM.

Ima try it in a VM.

I used the Arch Linux Ultimate install script when I installed arch on my laptop.

Yeah, but this is a live CD.

EDIT: Anyone know a good panel like the xfce panel? I want to use it with openbox, but I can't without installing the rest of xfce.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 06:46:01 PM by blueblur121 »

Lol forget that old stuffty theme, I went for a terminal sort of look instead

I like the "old" one much better. :v

Yeah, but this is a live CD.

EDIT: Anyone know a good panel like the xfce panel? I want to use it with openbox, but I can't without installing the rest of xfce.

even if you do install the rest of xfce, it's not going to slow anything down

Does tint2 use gui or text configuration? Just curious.

iirc it's in a document that you edit

It does have a GUI configuration editor and theme manager, however.

you can edit tint2 manually from the text file, or by using a gui such as tintwizard

I'm having a problem with tint2. It only shows up on one workspace in openbox. Any idea on how to fix this?
EDIT: Nvm, I fixed it.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 11:43:29 AM by blueblur121 »