
What's your Desktop Enviroment?

Unity (why not)

Author Topic: linux_megathread_3.pkg.tar.xz -- Post your desktop!  (Read 43837 times)

I already checked there. That is where I found out that it was in the official repositories. I know the package is called steam. I was asking why it didn't show up in pacman or yaourt.

I didn't know the multilib repo was disabled. I was dumb for not checking first.

if you would've read a little more you would've known
Steam can be installed with the package steam, available in the official repositories. If you have a 64-bit system, enable the multilib repository first

I already admitted to being dumb and not checking. That is usually where the conversation ends.

Anyone know of a panel like tint2 that can have a workspace switcher?

Um you can have a workspace switcher on tint2

Also what WM are you using

Um you can have a workspace switcher on tint2

Also what WM are you using

And how? I just went through the process of making a config, but I didn't see any options for a workspace switcher.

Why exactly do you need one when you're on Openbox anyways. You can set keybinds (I think they're even default) to just switch through workspaces. Its much more efficient

Why exactly do you need one when you're on Openbox anyways. You can set keybinds (I think they're even default) to just switch through workspaces. Its much more efficient
I prefer having a visual representation on the panel to indicate which workspace I'm on.

Ooh looks like I was wrong. Tint2 doesn't let you. Try Pypanel I guess

I figured out how to do something really cool. I enabled multiple desktop mode in the tint2 taskbar, and it split the taksbar into four seperate taskbars. Each one contains all the windows in one workspace. If you click on a taskbar (even if it's empty) it will take you to that workspace. So it is a taskbar that switches workspaces. It is awesome.

Has anyone tried LXQt?
Looks very promising. I used to use LXDE as my main DE. Now I just use Openbox.
Never tried Razor-qt though.

Come on, don't let this die D:

i was gonna let this die
also, suggest me what i sould host on my vps :p
i was thinking about setting up a self-replaying online radiostation

Amazing bump.

You should host a BL server. Just to forget around on and sometimes host gamemodes if you're in the mood.

Has anyone tried LXQt?
Looks very promising. I used to use LXDE as my main DE. Now I just use Openbox.
Never tried Razor-qt though.
Im curious about where this is going.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 12:58:29 PM by blueblur121 »

Bump. Come on, there has to still be stuff to talk about.

I'm actually having trouble with i3 right now. I want to add window padding so that there is a gap between each window. How would I do this?