Author Topic: I'm coming out of the closet as well.  (Read 1410 times)

I needed to really get this off my chest.
I'm only attracted to robots. :(
I always thought it was weird that I got a boner every time the toaster popped out toast.
Damn... Toasters are nice.

I know it's strange because y'know, I'm no bot, but idk maybe I am a bot.
Maybe some part of me is a bot. Somehow.

Anyways I know many of you will probably judge me and say I am a freak, but know this, at least I'm not attracted to ponies? :s
Probably pony robots. But not regular ponies!

April fools!

as long as you're not attracted to ponies :-)

i am attracted to no bots.

Transformers should have been the best researcho you've seen then.

I can tell.
This is serious.

Transformers should have been the best researcho you've seen then.
oyea I remember that

Was really awkward when I saw it in theatre with the family.
I had to hide the boner.

It doesn't matter son, as long as you don't turn out to be a black person. That happened to me.

Gotta get back to the farm now, gotta stop posting.

It doesn't matter son, as long as you don't turn out to be a black person. That happened to me.

Gotta get back to the farm now, gotta stop posting.
Don't be tribal. Racism is a crime. And only blacks commit crimes

Don't be tribal. Racism is a crime. And only blacks commit crimes

Well whatever, they can't arrest me anyways! I'm black, so if I get arrested I can sue them like 21 times for hate crimes.

As long as you're not Cuban, I still love you long time.

Do your other bots like Idkbot get around with your floppy disk erections

I once popped one when I turned my vacuum on.