Author Topic: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant  (Read 33949 times)

This is an indie lego-like game, we're lucky it's being updated at all.
what kind of logic is this

an online building block indie game is a ripe market to reap.  in what world would it make sense for badspot to just stop updating it and fixing bugs

This is an indie lego-like game, we're lucky it's being updated at all.
what the forget kind of mentality is this?

what kind of logic is this

an online building block indie game is a ripe market to reap.  in what world would it make sense for badspot to just stop updating it and fixing bugs
what the forget kind of mentality is this?
I actually forgot what point I was making when I put "lego" in there...
But still
we're lucky it's being updated at all.

This is an indie lego-like game, we're lucky it's being updated at all.
...What? What the actual forget.

Alright you guys have it your way, I'm not one to start a storm.

Alright you guys have it your way, I'm not one to start a storm.
good job on realizing when you lost an argument

good job on realizing when you lost an argument
Yeah ok, but it's just that you guys complain WAY too much about how this game's not getting updated enough and it's getting annoying. If you guys have a different opinion that's fine.

And don't focus on me, I was just making a point.

afaik isnt badspots job to update/work on this game?

afaik isnt badspots job to update/work on this game?
If he was an employee who was working in a company on this game, then perhaps yes. But he owns everything, so he can do whatever the forget he wants. He doesn't own anything to anyone, and can cut the master server and website right this second if he wanted to.

Quote from: what I posted in his subreddit
You know Kalph, you used to be a good man. But now all you're doing is just richarding around, thinking that your opinion actually matters. You're literally scraping the barrel to post in this subreddit over ANY of blockland's flaws, even if they're so small as to not even alter the game significantly. We get it, you hate Blockland. To hate and to express that hate in a pathetic way are too different things. And you're expressing that hate in a pathetic ways. Every game has it's flaws. Blockland has flaws. But when you start to hate a game for its flaws, like the tiny flaws in Blockland, that's a whole different ballgame. Just stop, Kalph. You aren't gaining much from doing this. Nothing is going to change. Badspot is not going to shut down Blockland because of your twisted opinion on his game. Stop. And go ahead, censor or delete this post, I couldn't give a stuff. And either could Badspot, about your small, insignificant, pointless subreddit.

^ probably wont fix his autism tho

afaik isnt badspots job to update/work on this game?
probably not.  i don't think you could sustain a semi-affluent lifestyle with just blockland.  he likely has blockland as just a side-thing now.

why is that photo taking so long to load, it's hosted on imgur..

To anyone who can't see it:

If anything 1 and only 1 will happen.
2? Probable, but not likely.
3? Pffft