
What cars should I do next?

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Author Topic: TheTurtorn's vehicle topic - bullrout drag, p.22  (Read 69534 times)

the tractor should be named workhorse

Currently unnamed, based on Lindner BF 450

Time for some farmin' yo

Oh god. Farmville is now in BL. (Someone might host a Farmville RP.) Get me my shotgun, time to go shoot some aliens! (Ontopic: This looks so nice in so many levels.)

Neat tractor!

To keep tyre patterns facing the right way you'll need 4 different wheel datablocks though.

didnt the converti have some thing where u could switch from convertible to normal? cant u use the same kind of tactic with the pop-up headlights?

it did when you press spacebar i think

it did when you press spacebar i think
which I might add was very annoying light key would be better

any progress on the moore 250S, or other stuff?

-sniff sniff- I smell initial D

but seriously they look so similar
also plz make a Toyota 2000gt
« Last Edit: August 24, 2014, 03:32:50 PM by Bomberguy »

didnt the converti have some thing where u could switch from convertible to normal? cant u use the same kind of tactic with the pop-up headlights?

what converti
i want that converti

Is it possible that you could try more Blockland styled wheels? If you pulled off Blockland styled wheels, your vehicles would be perfect.

Is it possible that you could try more Blockland styled wheels? If you pulled off Blockland styled wheels, your vehicles would be perfect.
I see no problem with his wheels. They are fine as it is.