
I don't feel motivated at all to continue this playthrough.

Play any of the Fallout games(Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout:New Vegas)
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Author Topic: Xenonauts:Planetary Defense Simulator(Screw this, I'm playing Fallout instead.)  (Read 41630 times)

so did we win or not

the layout of that last post is a bit challenging to follow

so did we win or not

the layout of that last post is a bit challenging to follow

he accidently ordered an XCOM operative to attack a team-mate, and screwed himself over, he went with it and killed everyone else then quit and reloaded.

(Talking about the last section.)

I just felt a sharp pain in my chest and I'm back in the skyranger. Also, why is there a hole in my Kevlar?
*For those of you who don't know, all soldiers start out with a Kevlar jumpsuit. It looks like cotton work clothes, but you actually have 4x the health of a Sectoid.

I guess throw more smoke out this time.

I just felt a sharp pain in my chest and I'm back in the skyranger. Also, why is there a hole in my Kevlar?
*For those of you who don't know, all soldiers start out with a Kevlar jumpsuit. It looks like cotton work clothes, but you actually have 4x the health of a Sectoid.
I guess throw more smoke out this time.
Everyone feels disoriented for a second. Talia's kevlar has plasma holes burnt into it, Rook40's rifle is feeling a little light, and 500 Memes has a feeling that he just died, and will die again. The mission repeats itself.

Lee Hanson throws a smoke grenade near the UFO doors, as he feels something could have been avoided if he remembered to do so. His prediction was right. The sectoid dived out of the door firing wildly into the smoke, missing every shot. Revolver Rookie(even if he isn't a rookie anymore) missed 4 of his shots. The last two hit the Sectoid in the legs and crippled it. 500 Memes followed up with a laser pistol aimed right between the eyes.

I have no idea how I captured an alien alive. Nick Walter didn't get to tase anyone this time around, but I think its because an explosion knocked out one of the sectoids. If you don't hear a death scream, its unconscious and will kick your ass when it wakes up.

Research on the Hyperwave Decoder is almost done. What do we do with the alien corpses?

rape and pillage

Sell them all on the black Gray (apparently) market. Could use the dosh.

Donate it to the crazy dude with a chainsaw scientific research.

rape and pillage
Donate it to the crazy dude with a chainsaw scientific research.

Sell them all on the black Gray (apparently) market. Could use the dosh.

L O D S of E M O N E. Wusthatspell? Lods of emone!

We sold almost all of the alien corpses. Who the hell would want them anyways? Probably necrophiles.

While the skyranger was on the ground, a ufo outran two of our interceptors. It later came back to firebomb Canada.

We've got new armor in limited numbers for the troops. Just look at that.

We only have 4 rookies. Everyone else is is a Squaddie or higher. Those 4 rookies will be getting better body armor, and will be placed in the back of the Skyranger, near the ramp. They will be the first ones sent into danger, but thats why we have smoke grenades. Poor bastards.

Soldiers near the top of the list are the first ones to exit the skyranger and die horribly

Hyperwave decoder research finished. This thing is the ultimate radar. It has far superior range, has a 100% chance to detect aliens, and can even tell us what race of aliens there are on the ufo. It also decodes communications, so we know if the aliens will be doing a Terror Mission or abducting cows---


TL:DR Things are going way too well for XCOM, and we haven't even seen a Alien Terror Mission. Obviously, there must be a Alien Terror Mission coming up soon, because dynamic difficulty + doing way too well in the early game so far.

oh god no

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=779bmildp10 Terror Mission Music from the original game

What the hell is a Terror Mission?

Aliens land and start shooting up the place, killing civvies left and right. Civilian AI is absolutely brain dead. In a previous playthrough before I started doing this community project, a civvie ran into the flames from a flamethrower, got lit on fire, and charged right into a Cyberdisc, where she survived one single plasma shot at point blank before dying from the next one.

This is a Reaper. It looks more like an alien ass on legs. It is a Terror Unit, and Terror Units only appear in Terror Missions and Alien Base Assaults. It has a stuffton of HP, and XCOM Troopers still can't shoot worth a damn at that thing. The bite attack is a one hit kill most of the time. Those who do survive being eaten bleed to death quickly.

Terror Missions require you to save as many handicapped civvies as you can, and always take place in urban terrain. This means that its fun to blow stuff up. Blowing up buildings is practically required, as aliens can hide in them. Blow a hole in the wall, reveal alien, shoot it dead.

Its hard to see, but a civilian lit herself on fire.

Donate it to the crazy dude with a chainsaw scientific research.

Go in guns blazing.

Shoot everything that moves including civilians.

It's a shame Hanson has to sit on something so pretty.

It's a shame Hanson has to sit on something so pretty.

It's a shame Hanson has to sit on something so pretty.

The forgeted you say.

Go in guns blazing.

Shoot everything that moves including civilians.

Why is this terror mission such a pushover?

Chaos breaks out in the streets. Aliens landed and started shooting up the place. They must have been trained by videya gayms to keel people.

The scout drone spots two floaters, and a reaper(the alien ass on legs).

The aliens are quickly disposed of 7 seconds later.

500 memes is shot and killed. Body armor does not protect the back that well in this game.

Revolver Rookie gets another kill.

Bob Saget throws a smoke grenade.

Bob Saget gets his first grenade launcher kill.

Talia and Pyro Rookie spot another Reaper. Pyro Rookie instantly barbecues the Reaper, but it is still alive. She burns the damn thing again.

Talia hears something moving, and shoots through the fence to kill it.

Nick Walter tries to tase another alien, and somehow he misses. He fires again, and its still awake. He resorts to beating the floater to a bloody pulp with the taser itself.

Don't worry, 500 Memes. We can rebuild you when the time comes*.

*Theres not enough of 500 memes to bury, so we probably won't be able to rebuild him.