
I don't feel motivated at all to continue this playthrough.

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Author Topic: Xenonauts:Planetary Defense Simulator(Screw this, I'm playing Fallout instead.)  (Read 41628 times)

Another MIB UFO. Traitorous bastards deserve to burn in hell. One of the rookies died the instant he stepped off the skyranger. We forgot to bring Smoke Grenades.

A MIB started shooting at Talia, but missed. Talia returns fire, and leaves 3 neat holes in the ground. Lee Hanson opens fire, and the same thing.(How the hell does someone miss that bad?)

The last MIB blows up.

Tune in next time for....

Sectoid Terror Mission coming up soon. UFOs are scouting the perfect place for a Terror Mission according to the decoder.

Cyberdiscs. Well, at least they won't be Chryssalids.

Make some fukken  smoke grenades

Bring some stun rods so we can capture a sectoid leader.

Bring some stun rods so we can capture a sectoid leader.
Yeah, do this. I won't let anyone touch Lee.

This is what it looks like in Enemy Unknown. Unfortunately in the original X-COM all sectoids look alike

Sectoid Leaders/Commanders have PSI Powers. They are very easy to identify and capture. The only problem is the neverending spam of Mind Control/PSI Panic.

The United Kingdom signed a pact with the aliens. Those bastards. Thanks to the effort of the Sectoids and Men In Black collaborating together, the UK has been lost.

More base construction.

Yeah, do this. I won't let anyone touch Lee.

Oh, Talia...

Unfortunately if stuff hits the fan I'm tripping you first, sorry babe.

remove britain from the face of earth

Could someone give me a short description on XCOM? or is this what its like?
also name someone "Aliano Removio"

Could someone give me a short description on XCOM? or is this what its like?
also name someone "Aliano Removio"

"Aliens invade earth. Kill them and reverse engineer their stuff."

Aliens are here, kill them, reverse engineer stuff, lose tons of soldiers in the process. It is very Nintendo Hard. Soldiers aim like stuff, aliens don't.

"X-COM: UFO Defense and X-COM: Terror From the Deep are infamously difficult, as the game system is very complex, and almost every random variable in the game has a high variance in either direction. No punches are pulled early in the game, with most every enemy type capable of appearing in missions from the get-go, and at no point does a soldier ever become safe from being instantly killed by a stray shot. Even the safest move is a gamble for both sides, although the aliens aren't bothered by losses."

"The way the game generates missions and is also utterly unforgiving. A far cry from today's games that insist on giving you a shallow learning curves and holding your hand through the most simple of tasks, X-COM has no scruples against sending you on a terror mission with nearly bullet-proof Cyberdisks or Chryssalids in the early game, or positioning aliens in a half-circle around your Skyranger's disembarking ramp, ready to mow down whoever tries to disembark. Know when to fight and when to attempt a frantic Tactical Withdrawal.
Since they couldn't replicate the original Alien AI with the modern code, OpenXcom developers had to make it smarter than in the original just so it would not be curbstomped, and there is a Sneaky AI option that makes it even harder."

X-COMs first NIGHT TIME mission! Against a crashed ufo full of Men In Black! Unfortunately, X-COM cannot afford Night Vision Goggles, which is pure BS.
The Rookies and Squaddies will be on this mission. Talia and Lee Hanson are too high ranked to be on it, we gotta level up the noobs

I play with "Always daytime" on for a REASON.

X-COM soldiers get their vision range reduced by a MASSIVE amount at night. Aliens, including Men In Black and the Cult Of Sirius, are not affected. The MIBs probably carry NVGs, and the Cult Of Sirius? A wizard did it. Luckily we can spam Electro Flares all over the place. Very reusable.

Rookie:"Heads up, somethings out ther---"


"Oh god! They are flanking us!"


7 minutes of intense Electro Flare throwing later

Stalker: Fu---

47 seconds later

We have to search the entire godamn map for the last MIB.


There he is! Tase his ass and violate him with a baton.

RIP Stalker, dedicated "Blow stuff Up Guy" untill the very end. Although he inherited the badass when he picked up Revolver Rookie's gun, it didn't save him.

Music for mourning/celebrating/something the loss of Stalker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBhh23-paLU
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 11:19:14 AM by tber123 »

I guess you could say Stalker was...

Out of time.

Good news, everybody. We have X-COM agents on the ground in the United Kingdom now. The UK cannot be allowed to exist. This is a message to the entire Council Of Funding handicaps to never pull funding or collaborate with our enemies.

Would you like a spot of radioactive glasglow?

Also another typical ufo mission. Lets make this quick.

A rookie was shot in the testicles and instantly killed when he went around a corner.

Another traitor was burned to death. We cleansed him of his sins. The other MIBs were stoned to death with dozens of grenades.

oh god no please dont

Oh crap.


*Shoves gun in mouth again*

After this, a third ufo showed up. Our interceptors actually managed to shoot it down this time.

Lee Hanson kills two Sectoids in rapid succession with his revolver.

A sectoid leaps out of the ufo doors and opens fire, but misses every shot.

Research complete. We can research a fighter craft based off of alien technology.

Another boring day passes.....

Fun facts

Lee Hanson and the clone of 500 Memes died half a dozen times in the making of this post, due to friendly fire. You know the bit about X-COM troopers not being able to shoot for stuff? One of the rookies kept taking shots at the aliens, but somehow the bullet curved way off target and shot Lee Hanson/500 Memes Clone in the back, killing them instantly each time. Finally Lee Hanson got a double kill.

Any death of Lee isn't canon and must be completely voided. That is a law of nature, obviously.

Research dat powersuit yo.

Be sure to have everyone perform a noble sacrifice when we go to Cydonia.