
Should Blockland be on Linux?

Of Course Yes
I'm not sure.....

Author Topic: Should Blockland be supported on Linux?  (Read 8915 times)

Seeing as how buggy it is on a mac, I don't think it is a good idea.
The main userbase uses Windows and I would rather see Blockland work perfectly on one platform than to be buggy on several.
Badspot has to divide his time. The time he spends on a Linux launcher, he can't spend on adding content like hats.
It's not really that buggy on Mac...  :panda:

nobody uses linux

I'd say about half my friends use Linux. Although, that doesn't prove much as it's more-or-less a more relative and approximated statistic. Either way, I usually can't convince them to get games, like Blockland, that only run on Windows and/or Mac. So, I think it'd be nice if Blockland could run on a Linux system.

There is no reason not to.

I already use Zorin OS (Its based off ubuntu sort of) on my secondary computer, I have also used Ubuntu, its a great OS, and you can run Blockland with Wine, but there is issues with running Blockland, if you have the steam version, there is no way to play it, unless you decide to stream it from a Windows Comp.

Blockland shouldn't have to be ported over to Linux, Linux should be able to support whatever language Blockland is written in. The reason so few people actually use Linux is because it isn't compatible with most programs.

Blockland shouldn't have to be ported over to Linux, Linux should be able to support whatever language Blockland is written in. The reason so few people actually use Linux is because it isn't compatible with most programs.
You can use Wine to run Windows Programs on Linux, but like I said, it can be buggy at sometimes. :/

Seeing as how buggy it is on a mac, I don't think it is a good idea.
The main userbase uses Windows and I would rather see Blockland work perfectly on one platform than to be buggy on several.
Badspot has to divide his time. The time he spends on a Linux launcher, he can't spend on adding content like hats.
this is probably the most ignorant post I've seen yet. You literly want him to drop mac support... How could you guys live without ME if you dropped mac! Who would be there to stir up trouble?
But yeah I'm all for linux. If it just gets some freaking compatibility(help us SteamOS!) then I'd switch to Linux in a heartbeat. I'm actually running a Hackintosh atm and trying to dualboot windows though my computer doesn't want to cooperate.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 05:49:42 AM by superdupercoolguy »

Could just quit being a hipster and use windows like everyone else.

Could just quit being a hipster and use windows like everyone else.

forget off, seriously if you're gonna post stuff like this then don't post at all.

forget off, seriously if you're gonna post stuff like this then don't post at all.

But his point is valid.
If your gonna dismiss posts,
this then don't post at all.

See? Doesn't help.

Could just quit being a hipster and use windows like everyone else.
forget you and your Windows OS. See this is why I don't use Windows a lot because of it's immature community (it is rare to see good people in the Windows community)
use windows like everyone else.
No friend, I prefer Linux :)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 12:34:25 PM by blocklandman0815 »

forget you and your Windows OS. See this is why I don't use Windows a lot because of it's immature community (it is rare to see good people in the Windows community

Any user base that exceeds a certain number will always have more immature people on it. Thats just how it stacks.
What your saying is you don't like people to the point that your willing to sacrifice content for seclusion.

I see no reason not to, but I don't know how easy if at all normally possible it is to support Linux with the ancient ass version of Torque Blockland is built on. I'm surprised that there are Mac builds at all.

forget you and your Windows OS. See this is why I don't use Windows a lot because of it's immature community (it is rare to see good people in the Windows community)
No friend, I prefer Linux :)
If this isn't bait, then it's definitely worth even less attention than it would be normally.

Any user base that exceeds a certain number will always have more immature people on it. Thats just how it stacks.
What your saying is you don't like people to the point that your willing to sacrifice content for seclusion.
Hmmm you do make a point there

forget you and your Windows OS. See this is why I don't use Windows a lot because of it's immature community (it is rare to see good people in the Windows community)No friend, I prefer Linux :)
whats your reason for using linux.

for some reason literally almost everyone who uses linux just wants to show off their pc skills. they think that the more obscure something is, the better it must be. linux is a pain in the ass to use for no good reason.