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Author Topic: The Brighter Dark's ISLAND DOGFIGHT  (Read 28995 times)

ive completed it with the mustang, lol

Server is online

Its down now.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 11:00:18 PM by The Brighter Dark »

Server is online

It's about time!

Best regular TDM I've played in a while.

Guys get over here I'm playing by myself

I'm there! ya and more people should join

EDIT: Idea - completing the skyring challenge should unlock the jetpack vehicle (which is actually an item that you can take and use anywhere so that you won't get stranded on islands without a vehicle): http://lugnut.co.vu/add_ons/Vehicle_Jetpack.zip
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 07:39:56 PM by Farad »

My god this was fun. It was a long battle though and I had to go to bed at the time so I cant see who won :(

But, it was still fun nevertheless :D

Make heed release that AA Cannon one way or another!

Server was great. Playing BF1942 music while attaking blue base or shooting up aircraft with that massive AA. T'was fun.

Make the parachute work all the time, because when I drop out of my plane, use it, and capture, I kinda want to go capture another island, but I can't get out of the vehicle fast enough because I need to park it, and by then I'm getting shot up.

Make the parachute work all the time, because when I drop out of my plane, use it, and capture, I kinda want to go capture another island, but I can't get out of the vehicle fast enough because I need to park it, and by then I'm getting shot up.
Idk for sure but I think there's an abusable bug with multi-use parachutes that allows people to launch really high at any time

Idk for sure but I think there's an abusable bug with multi-use parachutes that allows people to launch really high at any time
yep, also if done correctly the player can also glitch jets with parachute if it's not one use

This is by far the most fun and well-built server I have joined in a long time, good work <3