Author Topic: African Ebola coming to U.S.  (Read 5429 times)

imagine what would happen if the disease spreads to madagascar

does anyone remember that episode of ncis where it was like a huge ebola outbreak in the US and everyone was dying but at the end it was just a gigantic april fools joke

what if its like that

my water comes directly from the fresh rivers of africa

my water comes directly from the fresh rivers of africa
You dead m8

The only way to catch it is through salvia, sweat, blood, and excrement. Unless you like rolling around in other people's blood and feces, you're fine.

was someone juat asking if a virus had a cure lol

was someone juat asking if a virus had a cure lol

i didn't know they didnt until just now

public restrooms are your enemy

The only way to catch it is through salvia, sweat, blood, and excrement. Unless you like rolling around in other people's blood and feces, you're fine.
it's kinda airborne but not really. the main people at risk are healthcare employees, and since pretty much everyone handling these americans with ebola will be in positive-pressure suits, that's not a big issue

Still, the fact that we had better medicine, along with the fact that people 100 years ago didn't throw their excrement out of their 2nd floor windows, along with hygienic handling of corpses beginning to appear, should have somewhat cut down the death rate.
Spanish Flu was a bit of a mystery illness to the world by the standards of any time. It wasn't affecting the young, old or sick.
Instead it was hitting and killing healthy people in the prime of their life.

Furthermore it spread on a massive scale due to the ending of WW1. There had never been such a huge amount of international transport in human history before then. It spread like wildfire.

Had it, or a similarly infectious disease which affects people in such a way, appeared today, it would still do great harm. Particularly in the third world, where education, sanitation, hygiene and disease control are lacking.
And if the more developed world didn't have stricter measures for disease control then it would easily spread.

i think the correct response to this situation is to nuke africa
bomb all the airports

And you all thought I was crazy when I said we had to eradicate all the blacks.