
Which server should we host?

9 (18.8%)
11 (22.9%)
Noobs vs Admins
9 (18.8%)
A Building Server
5 (10.4%)
Something Original (Explain)
14 (29.2%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Author Topic: Team[Qi] | hello world  (Read 52440 times)


the reason we hate your clan so much is because you're just way too cynical

and the clan doesn't seem to be doing anything it promises


the reason we hate your clan so much is because you're just way too cynical

and the clan doesn't seem to be doing anything it promises
We promised to utilize our members; our members are doing their best. I'm not cynical?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 03:33:42 PM by Aoki² »

"Doing nothing = progress, as long as you're having fun!"

i don't know what drugs you're on but you better whip this thing into shape if you don't want to be the most hated clan ever

"Doing nothing = progress, as long as you're having fun!"

i don't know what drugs you're on but you better whip this thing into shape if you don't want to be the most hated clan ever
I'm sure it could be worse.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 03:34:28 PM by Aoki² »

i think you're just digging a hole for yourself

i'm done helping you, let's see how you fend against the haters

Are you actually having fun? You may want to seek psychiatric help.

Are you actually having fun?
I'm so glad you were banned; please don't be such an ass when you get back.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 03:34:56 PM by Aoki² »

aoki still hasn't learned how to take criticism

aoki still hasn't learned how to take criticism
I'll learn eventually.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 03:35:09 PM by Aoki² »

Quote from: Wikipedia
His description, at least in the contents page of Essays in Applied Psycho-brown townysis, describes the god complex as belief that one is a god

so aoki thinks he is a god


The CityRPG is supposed to open today.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 03:35:37 PM by Aoki² »

I'm still here!

ok so the cityrpg opens today, but i still have to code around 40 job files and the rest of the farming mod so it'll probably open late today

Code: [Select]
// |================================================
// | Project : CityRPG : Medical Job File
// | Author : Iban ~ revised by Aoki
// | Description : Provides the JobSO with values.
// |================================================

// |= Generic Job Values ============================
$CityRPG::Jobs::Name = "Jesus";
$CityRPG::Jobs::InitInvest = 25;
$CityRPG::Jobs::Pay = 90;
$CityRPG::Jobs::helpLine = "\c6I hesitated in making this job, but who better than Jesus to heal people, right?";


Can't wait for the next version, Aoki!


« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 03:35:50 PM by Aoki² »

this clan is alive what