Description: [Qi] is a gaming clan based on creating a interdependent and open-minded group of gamers. Our goal is to have a good time, and to try to learn something while doing it. We currently have boards for Blockland and Minecraft, but we will make boards for any game once enough members play it.
Members: The member application is tied into the registration at the
[Qi] Forums. This is an open clan; the only reason there is an application is to prevent people from making fake accounts. You do not need to become a member to join the forums; just leave the "Why do you want to join [Qi]?" field blank. If you want to become a member of the Blockland portion of the clan, make sure to make a post in the
Blockland Memberlist thread. The [Qi] clan tag is not at all mandatory, but showing support for our group is a really rad thing to do.
Official Servers: Official servers are run under the username [Qi]. These servers are a community effort; we favor functionality over build quality so every member can be a part of development. These servers are moderated by our official [Qi] admin staff. These admins will only keep order; it's up to you to have a good time. We are currently planning one official server.
Standalone Servers: Standalone servers are run by members who want to use their server to promote the clan, or members who want to host an official [Qi] server, but don't want to follow all of the official server rules. These servers are not normally moderated by the clan, so don't set your expectations too low or too high. For more info on [Qi] servers, read our
server info post.
Steam Group: