Total Members Voted: 47
Good to see the new OP!return; reminds me ofCode: [Select]function serverCmdClearGhostBricks(%client){ if(!%client.isSuperAdmin) return; <-------------------THIS RIGHT HERE %count = clientGroup.getCount(); for(%i = 0; %i < %count; %i++) { serverCmdCancelBrick(clientGroup.getObject(%i)); }}
function serverCmdClearGhostBricks(%client){ if(!%client.isSuperAdmin) return; <-------------------THIS RIGHT HERE %count = clientGroup.getCount(); for(%i = 0; %i < %count; %i++) { serverCmdCancelBrick(clientGroup.getObject(%i)); }}
aoki you should give your leadership to another person it seems even your qi people believe you're not fit to be the leader of a clan
That's not that bad of a plan; I'll do it if I can find someone better than me within the clan.
And that reminds me of the time your almighty clan leader distributed an addon with a backdoor in it.
>A search for a new Co-Leader has been started.
Weird, I didn't even know that had happened and I thought that was the joke anyway.
If you heard, or may not have, I flipped out on everyone at my server last night.I am very sorry if I insulted you, I was very tired and everyone was talking at once. It was crazyI am also sorry If I made the clan look bad by doing this.