Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information  (Read 343231 times)

Until last night I hadn't realized I'd been drunk eight nights in a row. .but so had all my friends. Drinking problem or just high school?

When I got my 21 drivers license updated, they printed it out on a sheet of regular paper, cut it out, backed it with a flimsy adhesive, dropped it in a plastic baggie, and handed it to me just like that.  Two weeks until the hard copy arrives via mail.  Meanwhile using it at liquor stores I get funny looks from the clerks, lmao.  But it's nice buying for myself.  Over the weekend I was just getting wine drunk and watching it snow outside with good company.  And got a sweet pen vape in black:  We got drunk enough that we jumped off the 3rd or 4th floor of the parking garage into hug piles of snow, those corners where the snow plows push it into small mountains against buildings.  Then I spent a good portion of today smoking in my favorite spot with a buddy in the forest behind my apartment:
« Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 02:10:25 AM by Tezuni 2.0 »

Until last night I hadn't realized I'd been drunk eight nights in a row. .but so had all my friends. Drinking problem or just high school?
wtf lolz do you go to high school in caesars palace

Until last night I hadn't realized I'd been drunk eight nights in a row. .but so had all my friends. Drinking problem or just high school?
i havent gone to bed sober in almost two weeks

high five

I haven't been drunk in a long time. Weeks? Maybe a month.

I haven't been drunk in a long time. Weeks? Maybe a month.
i havent been drunk in like
a week
i think

I've never been drunk, but I've tripped (shrooms) and have been blazed beyond recognition. Is it comparable to those two?

I've tried to get drunk but I'm a heavyweight lol.

I've never been drunk, but I've tripped (shrooms) and have been blazed beyond recognition. Is it comparable to those two?
Not really
I've never tried shrooms, but being drunk is quite different then being high.

I've never been drunk, but I've tripped (shrooms) and have been blazed beyond recognition. Is it comparable to those two?

Being drunk is extremely inhibiting. You can't walk straight, find it hard to talk, completely lose all ability to make proper judgements, etc. Your balance is forgeted, if you sit or lay down you'll feel like the room is spinning around you. Despite this, everything is three times as much fun and you feel like you can do pretty much anything and talk to anyone. Some people experience euphoria, but for pretty much everyone, things that were weighing on you before tend to release. Though, conversely, sometimes liquor can turn people into sobbing messes because they lose a grip on their emotions.

So, no. It's not comparable.

I'm going to try everything in my power to get incredibly stuff faced tonight at this party

I hate drinking btw

« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 12:02:27 AM by nickpb1 »

rooged yesterday i saw beer flavored jelly beans and now i know what im getting u for christmas

this is the stuff that reminds me why i love nick
Everyone loves me c:  I'm the forums burnt out carebear

Best quote from last night "If you need a shoulder to lean on let me know! I'll gladly lean you against that brick wall you drunk forget"