Author Topic: So, what've I missed?  (Read 125284 times)

What in god's name is this thread?

I can't tell if it's an uprising or a tarpit.
I think it's an uprising that marched into a tarpit

the only way that would work is if there were other things there to make it look normal, like a big addon pack full of model cars in a more toyish looking town
you mean like, for example, people making mods in more diverse and interesting styles?
have you ever seen a kid with a buncha toys that all matched? they all had the same style? just a bunch of legos and lego vehicles and nothing more? no hotwheels or matchbox cars or silly-looking off-brand plastic planes, like phydeoux's fighter jet, or more proportionate ones like his passenger planes, or little action figure guns and knives and swords, or some army men like I mentioned before, or whatever?
however, as is not the nature of the game. no matter how you mod the game, you can't get away from the lego building aspect of the game and unless you managed to completely rework the building system to make it viable. stylistically it just wouldn't work at all, and while i understand that maybe that doesn't matter too much you have to realize that blockland is a very stylistic and consistent game. you could deviate if you want but people wouldn't adopt it unless it was really good
what is the nature of the game?? huh? have you seen the default guns? they look NOTHING like bushido's. you build with legos but that doesn't mean every single thing in the entire game has to look like legos. a kid doesn't care if his plastic green army men "fit in" with the lego house they're in
it's only because of people like bushido that you consider it a "very stylistic and consistent game" because that's absolute BS

I've been busy the last few hours and I come online to this lmao

I feel like everything that should be said has been said and Badspot either doesn't care or is ignoring it.

people are just arguing for the sake of arguing now

The idea behind the gamemode system was to provide a way for creative people to package their gameplay creations and share them with other people.  One of the central complaints by new users is that you just get an empty box and it's hard to know what to do - you can join a server and see some really cool game mode or build, but how do you run something like that?  Well with gamemodes, the people who know what they're doing could package up their cool server config and release it for other people to use.
I wouldn't have minded making or downloading some of these.

But there's one major issue. There is no way to add customizable settings to these gamemodes without jamming them up with invisible serverCmds, on top of all the already invisible default settings and features like colorsets and autoadmin. Even those sickly cashcow F2P shooter games offer settings for their gamemodes. If I were to package some sick TDM right now, every single server would have to use that same setup unless they dig into the files and change it themselves.

And for the most part, I complained about bugs. The one I bring up the most is corner jumping. But lets not forget jetting up through unraycasted bricks, that odd visual anomaly seen on distant ground/water, alarm killing many ear drums in first person, sound channels swapping when looking down sometimes, and let's not forget the obvious collision issues both clipping and networking.
But if I really must suggest some things to add to Blockland, it would definitely be dynamic shapebaseimage coloring without relying on datablocks, as well as particles (seriously, this would cut colorset datablock usage from 7/color to just 7 in total). And maybe some better server-sided audio control. Why is it that we can play sounds on gameconnections but can't stop them?

people are just arguing for the sake of arguing now


Honestly, from what I can see, the problem is the lack of co-operation between developer and modders.

If Badspot introduces a new system to aid the creation of mods, the community decided to make everything private, rendering the system useless.
This feeds people who always complain about development, as they can say 'Nobody is using it correctly, so it sucks!! You should focus on these changes instead, because clearly, they will totes not get forgeted up by us like the previous!'. They say a bunch of features should be added to aid modding even more, (so they can forget those up too and complain some more) ignoring the added possibilities from stuff like the gamemode system.

On the other hand, there are indeed plenty of features that got negleted and need to be fixed/cleaned up which badspot ignores. Why not make gamemodes saveable like builds? Oh, there are backdoors in them? Get a moderator team! Won't work? Okay, let's instead introduce a system where hosting new gamemodes automatically registers them in a system, they can get reviewed, and if they are approved, then they can be freely downloaded! Ignoring possible solutions, saying they are 'not worth it' (Is your game, your income, your playerbase not worth it?), 'impossible because X/Z' (Make X/Z less crap so it's possible) and other things, just because simply, lazyness.

These are just examples, there is of course all the 2100 hour negative review crap, the still not fixed physics and etc, but without some mayor mentality changes booth in the dev and the community, nothing is going to get better.
Oh, and saying 'the community is willing to do stuff and we are cool, but Baddy is just too stuff and lazy to do his part', is kindergarten level, and everyone saying that should feel bad. Trying to put the responsibility on the other side while trying to hide the fact that you aren't any better does NOT lead anywhere.

I am neutral on this subject. Everyone is in the wrong somehow, and crying about it while pointing fingers isn't helping.

TL;DR: We all need to realize the flaws in our part of the system, and work together as community and dev to fix them.

However, that's not what happens.  There is this toxic concept of "idea stealing" that is deeply engrained in the community so that no one ever releases anything that they've made.  They run a server, then they stop and their creation is never seen again.  No one is allowed to play with their ball without them. 

I don't know if there isn't enough glory in releasing a game mode or if Blockland just appeals to the wrong end of the psychological spectrum or if there some other flaw in the system, but this is the problem.  It's not technological, it's sociological. 
definitely psychological. they treat this process as some sort of professional job and expect fame off of it. just a bunch of kids that want to be popular. its annoying to see these users pop up everywhere. especially the gallery section.

also arguing with these idiots who oppose blockland for being an "evil marketing campaign" is just not possible. they simply choose not to get it. they just blabber on trying to fit in with those other obnoxious loud mouths running around crying how blockland is some sort of corrupt government.

wow you are such a rooster sucker jesus christ.
Badspot doesn't seem to understand that if your game has a community and it's dependent on the updates (as blockland is) that it needs to be updated atleast once a month or something. But what i don't seem to understand is that badspot traded dirt for stuff. Yes maps looked bad, and yes they caused some bugs. But v21 is worse because before v21 i didn't get any problems. And now blockland is buggier than before. The only reason he updated it was because he hated maps (also he wanted more money). But what i dislike about him the most is how, lets say i get perma'd once or twice. Then i am offically a problem user i should be banned on sight even if i had changed.

User was banned for this post
rest in loving piss

I thought vehicle physics were always buggy

definitely psychological. they treat this process as some sort of professional job and expect fame off of it. just a bunch of kids that want to be popular. its annoying to see these users pop up everywhere. especially the gallery section.
baddy should just make a rule in the gallery section that you need to post a download link for your creations you post in gallery so that this kind of stuff wont happen.