Author Topic: So, what've I missed?  (Read 125182 times)

It's pretty obvious. He said that there is no progress at all and he isn't working on it.
Then in that case he wasn't being sarcastic in his latest post about saying that blockland is already dead, posting to a link containing obvious sarcasm about blockland "dying" over and over again and yet still living on? He somehow wasn't being sarcastic about that?


  • Administrator
So, is the suggestion that he censors absolutely nothing and enforces peace? Because there's enough crying anytime a single post is removed, let alone removing all arguments and criticisms of the game.

Yeah no kidding.  The hypocrisy is rampant.  Here's some of my favorite types:

   badspot needs to delete the entire drama forum!
   [a single post is deleted]
   badspot censors everything!

   everyone in the community sucks, we need more moderation

   someone got banned! oppression!
   badspot please post an exact scientific breakdown justifying this ban
   omg did you see badspots drama dossier on that guy?  It's gotta be illegal!

   everyone in the game is an annoying child who spams, badspot should do something
   [someone is de-activated for attacking servers]
   wtf! badspot can just ban you from the game for no reason?!

   one time 3 years ago, kompressor said there would be an update
   [many updates later]
   omg badspot why no updates yet?  kompressor said!
   hey why does badspot never post about dev progress anymore?
   "badspot forget you for not posting what you're working on!"
   omg he banned me for posting my opinion! censorship!

   Badspot doesn't own the game, we do! It's all community driven!
   [badspot suggests using community add-ons to extend gameplay]
   wtf badspot needs to get off his ass and work for us

Then in that case he wasn't being sarcastic in his latest post about saying that blockland is already dead, posting to a link containing obvious sarcasm about blockland "dying" over and over again and yet still living on? He somehow wasn't being sarcastic about that?
No updates doesn't mean the game died, there are still many people playing and buying blockland.

Or just deletes the drama section (name one other good forum that has one), and then not allow drama in other sections.

You're blowing this terribly out of proportion by the way. I almost didn't even feel like responding because you seem to be arguing just to argue. "censors everything and enforces peace" isn't what I was saying. Just removal of the section and another rule tacked onto the list. If making rules is censoring everything, then we're already censoring everything several times over. If I remember correctly, drama isn't everything, as much as some people like to base the entire forum on it. Almost seems you're one of them.
Maybe I read this wrong;
He knows how to run a forum yet there's a section dedicated to arguments and there's a 35 page topic complaining about the game in it.
Sounds like you were being sarcastic about him knowing how to run a forum and your evidence was a Drama section and the existence of this topic.

I see nothing inherintly wrong with the Drama section when it's fit for the purpose of bringing trouble-users within the game to the attention of the community. Sure, arguments from the forums arise and are posted here too, but the alternative to that is that every argument/issue ends up derailing another topic, or you have more moderators who go around nannying everyone, handing out plasters and sticking people in the naughty corner. Anytime I see discussion here of other forums where moderators get involved with every problem everyone is directly opposed to it.

And provided I was picking up the theme of your post correctly then you were suggesting the fact that there is a 35 page topic complaining about the game is a big problem and proves he can't run the forums (even though issues with the development of the game are mostly exclusive from the ability to look after a forum).
So again, is your suggestion that he should censor all criticisms of the game or not, or was there actually a reason for bringing up the existence of this topic in your post?

And just as my own immature response to your own immature claim that I believe Drama isn't everything, you currently make up 1.5% of all drama posts, I make up 0.07%

badspot can you have an option where users can opt into seeing advertisements to support the cost of the forums

badspot can you have an option where users can opt into seeing advertisements to support the cost of the forums
...there is

lol 1.5% Chrono, how does that make you feel?

blockland is the purest form of a sandbox. there's literally no provided goal at all. the goals are completely user-dependent, and the game provides the systems, tools, and environment to create them for yourself and/or others. once all the systems, tools, and environments are in play and functional, the rest is up to the active user. i don't want to sound like i'm talking on badspot's behalf because i'm defo not badspot, but the game has everything laid out and ready to use for those willing to try. in this type of game, the developer isn't responsible for providing content to the game actively. the developer is there to provide a nice variety of ways to create, and maybe at times give the userbase a push toward getting content moving one way or another (e.g. speedkart, but it doesn't have to be in-game).

i'm not going to defend or attack badspot, i just want you to really think for a second about what you actually enjoy about updates. think about what past updates you got excited about actually added to help you better create or enjoy creations. if you're one of most people that are active in the community, you've probably been most happy to just see that the baby is growing. i'm referring to the game as a baby because it's the best metaphor i can think of, and it works out pretty well. as far as i'm concerned, events have been the last game-changing update (unless i'm overlooking some awesome big thing from v10-present). is this a bad thing? no. like i said, the developer needs to provide the tools, systems, and environments to govern creation and enjoyment of creations. once the tools are there, it's all on the player. and events are a pretty big tool. after any update post-events, people will play around with the new toy for a bit and go back to what they've always done, maybe using the new toy if it fits somewhere. physics was cool to play around with. making dominoes, stacking discs and watching them bounce like a spring, etc. and you can use it in a build, certainly, but it doesn't really change how you approach creating. all that matters is that the baby is growing and learning new tricks.

now fast-forward to v21. baby's gettin' a rly cool shiny new toy now! but there's a downside: it's gonna drop the balls (interpret this however way you feel it fits). you can look at it any way you like, something's gained and something's lost. regardless of the value, being a mother watching your baby turn into an adult can be frightening. do you blame the dad for giving it a new toy? no. do you attack the dad for screwing you? probably not. the main thing about dropping t&i is that they were a medium of creation in the game that was lost, which is a shame, and some people can't go back to what they always did, as they usually would. i don't want to bring anyone's character into question here, because then it becomes an argument and i'm just trying to get my two cents in. i just want to encourage everyone to take a look at where they are now and where they've stood in the past. think about what blockland is to you, and think about what you expect it to be. do you look at it as a game, or is it your baby? if it's the latter, that's fine, because that will keep it alive. just make sure you're feeding it and changing the diapers; let dad fill the car up with gas and put the wheels back on the plastic dump truck when they fall off. but you can buy the toys too.

sry for over-metaphoring

   badspot please post an exact scientific breakdown justifying this ban

   [badspot suggests using community add-ons to extend gameplay]
   wtf badspot needs to get off his ass and work for us

The red text made me lol significantly.

The bold and italic text also made me lol shortly after crying. It's sadly true; That's how some people are and it's annoying. You did infact put faith in the community. There are some really good mods and add-ons out there, but some parts of the community still stuff all over it.

I hope the handicapation of people doesn't stop you from at least throwing a few small things into blockland every now and then like you did with keys and bots and holloween stuff, etc. I really like those little "cookies" and things, Badspot

In all honesty I think Badspot has handled this game and everything associated with it the best way possible.

I mean here's a indie game created nearly 10 years ago that still receives pretty regular updates and has an active community.  this is a hell of a lot better than all the current-era indie cash-grabs that never even get finished.  for $20 this game was one of the best purchases I ever made, and I would much rather show appreciation rather than just demand more.  as an aspiring developer I myself can't even understand how Badspot has maintained any sort of interest with this game over the span of time he has.  for forgets sake I lose interest in near finished projects just because.  I imagine the source of income is a bit of a helpful push, but that just doesn't inspire someone the same way as working on something they really enjoy.

I've gotten more than $20 worth of playtime in this game, personally.

I'm late
So I know this conversation about death to private mods was back on page 19 but forget it, I was on vacation so i'm just going to say what I think of that.

I honestly don't like the idea of killing private mods. When hosts put a lot of work into their servers (such as building, modding, paying for a host, etc.) it's not very motivating. You put all the hard work in so you can have a popular server people can enjoy then someone else comes along downloads it and starts hosting it and boom, you got a billion copies and there is nothing you can do to win players other to you because the second you make a improvement the competing server just takes it. If a system like someone mentioned (download mods when you connect) I probably would stop hosting because of lack of motivation.

A lot of people will probably just disagree with that but whatever, that's my opinion.
Wow, that is really pathetic.

"nnrrr dont take mah playr base i want to be poopular waaa"

Wow, that is really pathetic.

"nnrrr dont take mah playr base i want to be poopular waaa"

my thoughts exactly. I mean, yeah, i enjoy having players. do i discourage others from hosting my gamemodes? certainly not.

You missed nothing iban

my thoughts exactly. I mean, yeah, i enjoy having players. do i discourage others from hosting my gamemodes? certainly not.

Right but then you destroy the host's hard work. They spend time coding something unique for their server only so other people can use it and rip it off? I find that quite unfair. If someone wants to share their gamemode or add-ons then that's their own business.

Right but then you destroy the host's hard work. They spend time coding something unique for their server only so other people can use it and rip it off? I find that quite unfair. If someone wants to share their gamemode or add-ons then that's their own business.

Normally I would agree but if someone else can host a server better than you can then you shouldn't be upset if they host your gamemode. In fact, I personally would consider that an honor to have my gamemode hosted by others because they think its good.