Author Topic: So, what've I missed?  (Read 125230 times)

Right but then you destroy the host's hard work. They spend time coding something unique for their server only so other people can use it and rip it off? I find that quite unfair. If someone wants to share their gamemode or add-ons then that's their own business.

um.... forget the host?  lol

Right but then you destroy the host's hard work. They spend time coding something unique for their server only so other people can use it and rip it off? I find that quite unfair. If someone wants to share their gamemode or add-ons then that's their own business.
Glass didn't address this point; What happens when the host of that server stops hosting, whether they get bored or go on to do something new?
Do they still keep those add-ons private? Even if they're very useful for everyone else? Even if people still want to play on the old server with the old add-ons?

If you do keep them, then to what benefit? You certainly aren't using it, you might even forget it exists (in which case all your hardwork in making it goes to waste). It might mean you have more people at your server if they come back to see if you're using it again, or to beg for it. But what does that do, bar inflating your ego. People will eventually stop bothering to beg for it, and having it to yourself won't benefit anyone.

So, why not release it? You don't lose anything from doing that. You were hardly going to be able to monetise it by keeping it to yourself (seeing as most of the community are quite young and aren't likely in a position where they can buy an add-on, and most purchases for add-ons come from people designing and requesting a new add-on, not buying someone's old tat).
If you release it then there can be hundreds of other players with the add-on. Players who can use it to recreate your server (again, this hurts no one if you're not even hosting it) or create their own unique servers and games with it.

In fact, I personally would consider that an honor to have my gamemode hosted by others because they think its good.
This should also be one of the big motivations to give away your stuff. The lack of this notion in the community is what can spoil it at times.
Whether you're creating an add-on, or a gamemode, or a build, then you should surely feel honoured when people use it and enjoy them. What's the benefit of creating things for this relatively small sandbox game if no one (not even you) are using and enjoying them?
There's a big fear that other people will take credit, but that really is preposterous. All it takes is for you to be public with what you make. A big ol' topic on the forums sharing your creation and giving it away is the easiest way to make sure people know you made it.
Yeah, there will be people who still take credit (particularly with builds since anyone joining a server can save anything they find), but most everyone will know it was you when you have a topic showing so. And if someone still refuses to believe you, or continues to claim ownership, then forget and forget them. Their opinion and lies aren't important. The majority of the community will believe you if you've got proof on the forums.

There really is no reason not to share in this game. It'll only ever mean that other people can continue to enjoy your hard work.

Normally I would agree but if someone else can host a server better than you can then you shouldn't be upset if they host your gamemode. In fact, I personally would consider that an honor to have my gamemode hosted by others because they think its good.
I would also feel honored if someone was hosting my gamemode, but if someone doesn't want to release their gamemode/add-on they shouldn't be obliged to. Some people like keeping things private, it gives their server something unique. The point isn't for monetization it's just to have something that other servers don't.(ex: Tezuni's freekill script) If the creator decides to release that add-on or gamemode then that's their decision, they shouldn't be forced or bashed because they want to keep their work private.

I would also feel honored if someone was hosting my gamemode, but if someone doesn't want to release their gamemode/add-on they shouldn't be obliged to. Some people like keeping things private, it gives their server something unique. The point isn't for monetization it's just to have something that other servers don't.(ex: Tezuni's freekill script) If the creator decides to release that add-on or gamemode then that's their decision, they shouldn't be forced or bashed because they want to keep their work private.
No one is forcing people to release add-ons (and no one can), but there's no point mincing words. It is selfish to keep it all to yourself, particularly if you're no longer using it.

No one is forcing people to release add-ons (and no one can), but there's no point mincing words. It is selfish to keep it all to yourself, particularly if you're no longer using it.
It is selfish to keep add-ons to yourself, but if you made them you have the right to keep them to yourself.
If you are no longer using it then by all means do release it, but if it's something like an important event or something of the sorts that you use often, then what?

Yeah no kidding.  The hypocrisy is rampant.  Here's some of my favorite types:

   badspot needs to delete the entire drama forum!
Which is pretty much mine and maybe a few others opinion.
  [a single post is deleted]
   badspot censors everything!
And then this part isn't my opinion. I'm glad posts get deleted.
  everyone in the community sucks, we need more moderation
Right, back to my opinion.
  someone got banned! oppression!
   badspot please post an exact scientific breakdown justifying this ban
   omg did you see badspots drama dossier on that guy?  It's gotta be illegal!
Not sure when I've disagreed with a ban. In fact, I'm missing my report function. A lot of people really need a break.
  everyone in the game is an annoying child who spams, badspot should do something
Right. Just because they paid for the game, doesn't give them a right to stuff on everything.
  [someone is de-activated for attacking servers]
   wtf! badspot can just ban you from the game for no reason?!
And then you're suddenly back to the few outcasts' opinions.
  one time 3 years ago, kompressor said there would be an update
  [many updates later]
A couple of bugfixes which were nice. Some really neat doors.
But the other updates? A terrible implementation of gamemodes. I'm not going to repeat myself on this one. And subpar speedkart coding. Probably wouldn't mind if vehicles actually got an update.
  omg badspot why no updates yet?  kompressor said!
   hey why does badspot never post about dev progress anymore?
   "badspot forget you for not posting what you're working on!"
   omg he banned me for posting my opinion! censorship!
Well, half of this is more outcast opinion, but banning and deleting an opinion post just because you don't share it. Because it's against you.

  Badspot doesn't own the game, we do! It's all community driven!
   [badspot suggests using community add-ons to extend gameplay]
   wtf badspot needs to get off his ass and work for us
Well, we are asking for modding features most of the time.

Oh and I forgot to touch up on the terrible steam support. But I'm sure Ephi said enough on that.

When badspot tries to do something good for the community and modders and alike, you all shoot it down so loving fast.
Jesus Christ.

When badspot tries to do something good for the community and modders and alike, you all shoot it down so loving fast.
Jesus Christ.
When did this happen? Gamemodes seems like an incomplete feature and no workshop support. Gamemodes, and environment settings, are like the only modding support that was added since shader update. Other than that, features were removed.

There are special cases though. There are some gamemodes that get boring really fast unless you only host them once in a while.

When did this happen? Gamemodes seems like an incomplete feature and no workshop support. Gamemodes, and environment settings, are like the only modding support that was added since shader update. Other than that, features were removed.
I don't see anyone else working on Blockland along side Badspot, so cut the man some slack at least. No, i'm not being a kissass but its loving obvious he's getting tired of the bullstuff. I would too if I was in that spot.

well it's not like one person speaks for the entire forum when something happens. ie one person saying "omg he censors everything!!" when a post is deleted doesn't mean the entire forums agrees with them. whatever though.

When badspot tries to do something good for the community and modders and alike, you all shoot it down so loving fast.
Jesus Christ.

I bet if he did a major update like fixing physics the complaint rate would drop by like 95% for a solid year

I don't see anyone else working on Blockland along side Badspot, so cut the man some slack at least. No, i'm not being a kissass but its loving obvious he's getting tired of the bullstuff. I would too if I was in that spot.
Yeah, that's probably a bad spot to be in

I would like it if a workshop was added though

I don't see anyone else working on Blockland along side Badspot, so cut the man some slack at least. No, i'm not being a kissass but its loving obvious he's getting tired of the bullstuff. I would too if I was in that spot.
He isn't working on it. He's only offered Ephi a job to help work on it. I believe someone like Trinick would do a lot of good helping with Blockland but due to false accusations, Badspot doesn't trust him. I bet Blockland would do a lot better with Trinick on the dev team.

chronos replies are regurgitated beyond belief