Author Topic: TB2/Game Makes himself look like a complete idiot.  (Read 7715 times)

Yeah im sure you banned him JUST for the harsh statement, definitely not the mod you were whining about not having before.
Again, read the previous posts before saying ANYTHING. I asked if he could open the script and tell me a bit about how the mod works. If he has any evidence to say otherwise I rest my case on this one.

Also I feel that I have repeatedly made a point through the topic, however the community's failure to recheck posts is in play here, so I am going to stop posting to statements already answered.

why do you care how it works if you know it works

why do you care how it works if you know it works
I don't know it works, and I cared because I was curious since nobody else was able to achieve something like this.

It's funny because usually people band together when I make dramas and try and derail it, I've heard kalphiter has a band of friends that report to him and they all group up and get as many people to derail a drama into my direction as much as possible, and it's very much noticeable

However in this case literally 99% of the community that have replied are literally hating on you. Everyone knows your wrong, everyone knows you're and idiot and everyone knows you should just admit you're wrong. Even in this case, people that would not neccesarily support my views are joining me due to mutual understanding that you're an idiot who needs to be put in his place. I have two words for you,

give up.

There's nothing to "give up" on, this topic would be in my favor if people would look back at posts before posting themselves.

tbh you're scraping the barrel game. the fact you're so affected by this (considering you've responded to almost every post within moments notice) just proves that you're trying so hard to defend your rep or something but its not working. just stop and admit your mistakes.

tbh you're scraping the barrel game. the fact you're so affected by this (considering you've responded to almost every post within moments notice) just proves that you're trying so hard to defend your rep or something but its not working. just stop and admit your mistakes.
I don't see any mistakes I've made. I have a lot of freetime, so I will alternate between playing and refreshing this topic. Honestly, you guys are supporting someone who has absolutely no evidence against me except a forum PM.

Could someone post a picture of what the horribly offensive thing Furdle said to TB2 is?

I mean, if it was "you're a loving starfish and I hope you die in a pit buried in stuff", then that would be different than "I love puppies and they're the greatest thing on the planet".

Could someone post a picture of what the horribly offensive thing Furdle said to TB2 is?

I mean, if it was "you're a loving starfish and I hope you die in a pit buried in stuff", then that would be different than "I love puppies and they're the greatest thing on the planet".
Neither of us have images. It's understandable for me not to have them, I mean, if I knew this drama was coming then I would have taken some, but that's what I'm saying. Furdle has 1 image to use against me.

I don't see any mistakes I've made. I have a lot of freetime, so I will alternate between playing and refreshing this topic. Honestly, you guys are supporting someone who has absolutely no evidence against me except a forum PM.

I'll try to keep the mindset Furdle is innocent until proven guilty.

I visited Game's driving server earlier, I got into a discussion of a script I have which improves the physics of blockland vehicles (basically makes the impact of two vehicles more realistic)

He tells me that I am lying about having the mod. Multiple people can confirm that I do have the mod.
I then explain to him that I will open a server and show it to him. He starts getting annoyed telling me to give him the mod to prove it (which is obviously something which I am not going to do)
I then leave with "If you PM me on the forums, I will gladly open a server and show you the mod in action"
to which I left, and was shortly greeted with this forums message.

Now let me explain if you haven't figured out already why he's an idiot.
Firstly, he tried to cry his way into me giving him a very good mod.
Secondly, he calls himself "staff" on his server. I don't even need to explain why this makes him sound like an idiot.
Thirdly, he thinks I will appeal to get unbanned on his server, through some bullstuff email system as if the forums PM don't work? The whole 'official' type deal with the server just makes you sound like a massive ballbag.

Support me or don't, I really don't mind. I think this is enough evidence to show idiocy.

Let's pick this out piece by piece.

I visited Game's driving server earlier, I got into a discussion of a script I have which improves the physics of blockland vehicles (basically makes the impact of two vehicles more realistic)

That's nice.

He tells me that I am lying about having the mod. Multiple people can confirm that I do have the mod.
I then explain to him that I will open a server and show it to him. He starts getting annoyed telling me to give him the mod to prove it (which is obviously something which I am not going to do)
I then leave with "If you PM me on the forums, I will gladly open a server and show you the mod in action"
to which I left, and was shortly greeted with this forums message.

I can understand someone not releasing their mod, in part or whole, if it's still under development, which in Furdle's case, it still is. So on TB2's part, you should not have to have a bit of code printed to you ingame to prove that he is in possesion of the mod, especially in a case where he offers to show it to him ingame, and yes, I dont care if he said
"I am not your bitch.", this is a community full of people that use profanity. It is something you need to not take offense to. While I would probably need more context, it was probably childish of Furdle to say this.

And on another note, whether or not you are against multiclienting, (which, although on a case by case basis, is on average stupid.), the fact he offered to show you the mod does not give you the right to just outright ban him for lying, when he was clearly offering to show it to you.

Also, "Known problem user"? What the forget? Although hosts can run their servers however they want, you should regard them as innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Now let me explain if you haven't figured out already why he's an idiot.
Firstly, he tried to cry his way into me giving him a very good mod.
Secondly, he calls himself "staff" on his server. I don't even need to explain why this makes him sound like an idiot.
Thirdly, he thinks I will appeal to get unbanned on his server, through some bullstuff email system as if the forums PM don't work? The whole 'official' type deal with the server just makes you sound like a massive ballbag.

Support me or don't, I really don't mind. I think this is enough evidence to show idiocy.

While I should say this is a bit of unneeded rashness on Furdle's part, it does not change the fact for the most part, it is right.

While I do disagree with Furdle in the sense that servers can be as "official" as they want to be, It does not change the fact that a bullstuff ban is okay in the scenario.

...just makes you sound like a massive ballbag.
Support me or don't, I really don't mind. I think this is enough evidence to show idiocy.

Yes, the ban was idiotic, the reasoning was idiotic, all in all, this drama is succesful.

tl;dr: Furdle is banned for stuff reason, I agree with Furdle for most part.

Now let's go ahead and pull apart TB2's responses to this thread, or atleast the ones I feel I can respond to.
I'm not joining your server, so quit spamming the thread with "join my server".
I am not apologizing, there is nothing to apologize about.
I wanted to keep them on record for this very reason so I can use it against you.

This right here shows that your argument for him lying is automatically invalid, since you are refuting the very proof he is showing you.
This right here shows that you are not willing to accept you are wrong.
I have no solid opinion on this bit.

Apparently I am horrible for not ending my server to see Furdle's server.
While I do agree that keeping a server up to sate the fun requirements of your neigborhood Blockheadbots, but the evidence he was trying to show you would refute the ban you placed on him unjustly.

Honestly I didn't remember half those dramas, if I did, I'd post that there.I banned him for a statement he made after he quit, I refused to join his because I hate multi-clienting and I didn't want to shutdown. Honestly, there's 9 players on there, should I really end their fun because Furdle is advertising his server? I don't want to join his server because of this and I stopped hosting when I saw his PM.

So you banned him for a statement he said, but then go in your PM to say he was banned for three reasons? I'm not saying this is neccesarily bad, just confusing.
Half of this is petty preferences, the other half a legit point.

No (In response to when someone asked if you actually cared about the mod)

Yet again, this labels your ban reason for "Lying" entirely null and void.

I frown upon multi-clienting, and it lags my computer to the breaking point.

Half of this is petty preferences, the other half a legit point.
Also, there is literally nothing stopping you from joining after you were done hosting.

No, I was just curious how it works.
I thought you just said you didnt care?

I'm not even going to try to read Cruxeis' giant wall of text

You can practically kiss any chance of redeemability from this point on gone.

Okay everyone, threads over. Please take your giftbasket on your way out.

Damage control: normal

I am going to post a few things here in response to Zack's post then leave the thread because every post I make gets me nowhere.

I cared about how it works since nobody else could achieve what his friend did, and when he posted this thread, I really stopped caring and still assume it's fake. When I asked to see part of the script, he changed the topic several times then made the statement, and left, removing the chance for me to tell him I'd be on later. I banned him shortly after. I banned him for 3 reasons originally when he left, but it was mostly for the one reason. I actually wanted to ban Furdle the moment he joined because of his 5 mil drama topics, but I wanted to see how he could act.

He also rubbed the drama in my face in a PM:

Dont unban me, because I dont want to return to your stuffty ass server.
I'm not showing you anything.
Also, enjoy your drama
I feel everything in there was harsh and unneeded.

So actually, I couldn't join the server anyways because he is not showing me anything apparently.

I banned you for being a "known problem user" because of your previous dramas.
So basically holding a grudge.

So basically holding a grudge.
I've never had a problem with him, but I banned him for that reason when I saw that the dramas are true.