Author Topic: Tezuni - A dossier of dramas, a history of idiocy  (Read 5599 times)


I know by now that i'm probably beating a dead horse, but i felt this had to be made.

Over the past few years, a certain Blockland player that goes by the name of Tezuni has attracted a lot of attention and drummed up an impressive amount of dramas, targeted either at him or at his server/admins, or sometimes both. Yet each time he simply brushes off the dramas as if they were inconsequential and subsequently ignored any comments and/or suggestions on said dramas that would be beneficial to his server. Considering all the dramas bout him, and the fact that he STILL refuses to listen to anyone who tries to help sort out his server tells me one of two things. Either Tezuni is blindly stubborn to a fault, or he has mental issues, considering his actions on the forums and his other actions in game, I'm inclined to believe the latter. Either way he has proven that he cannot handle the responsibilities of server hosting, nor can he handle the responsibility of keeping his admins in line, and yet his server is still the most popular...

Now keep in mind i am aware that the server has begun to show at least some decently lately in regards to the admin team and their actions, but that still dosen't excuse Tezuni from the history of problems he has caused, and the impressive amount of drama's he has racked up. You may be tempted to ask for proof of these claims, even though anyone who has been on BL for at least the past year should already know about Tezuni and the problems he has created, even so, i will be listing some of his dramas below.

Drama Lists

Dramas about Tezuni

Dramas about Tezuni's Server(s) and/or Admins

Please note that some of the dramas may have broken pictures due to age.


The writing is on the wall here, Tezuni is clearly a problem user and should not be allowed admin. I would also strongly recommend a ban to save yourself some grief. Tezuni should also not be allowed to host a server as he has proven time and again that he CANNOT keep his servers in order and under control, or restrain himself from breaking his own rules/abusing his power as host.

This isn't necessary and some of these dramas are from 2009...

this could not be more relevant

Why the forget are you making all these threads that aren't about anything at all? First that "badmin" thread and now this.

did he step on your foot or something

you should only notify us of a problem if there is a problem. right now you're unneededly bringing up someone's past, you even admit his server is getting better so why are you looking for the tezuni drama attention?

it's like, for example, i do absolutely nothing for a few days then someone suddenly brings up that one crappy drama ive made years ago then states that "oh he is a lord tony type troll ban him everywhere pls". i don't think ive seen that yet.

as i said, you should only post about people if they do a bad, not if they have done a bad before

What is the point of this Drama?

Are any of these threads recent?

What is the point of this Drama?
So torak can overtake your spot as King of Drama

forget off torak

I hate tezuni but he hasn't done anything wrong in a while

I agree, he is an incompetent host. One of his admins Nickpb banned me last week permanently, as soon as I joined the server without spawning or doing anything or even taking. From what I see, most of his admins are friends. I think he should be able to host like anyone else of course, but his servers make Blockland look bad. At different times of the day, you'll sometimes see a few servers up (and usually Tezuni's is up, and a few other servers which are mainly freebuilds). I wish he'd realize that his servers have a horrible reputation.

I agree, he is an incompetent host. One of his admins Nickpb banned me last week permanently, as soon as I joined the server without spawning or doing anything or even taking. From what I see, most of his admins are friends. I think he should be able to host like anyone else of course, but his servers make Blockland look bad. At different times of the day, you'll sometimes see a few servers up (and usually Tezuni's is up, and a few other servers which are mainly freebuilds). I wish he'd realize that his servers have a horrible reputation.
He probably banned you to prevent you starting one of your armchair expert biased science discussions as you always do.

Torak, you haven't changed. Don't being such a drama queen and acting like whatever you say is very important.

What is the point of this Drama?
The glory of satan ofcourse