Author Topic: E-tard disabled by defult  (Read 3101 times)

The chat filter is there for a reason, there is no reason to have it disabled by default.


A small improvement isn't worth shooting yourself in the foot for. Having spent time on Blockland with the E-Tard filter slapping people across the wrist every time they attempt to communicate like savages, I can't take anyone seriously anymore when they make use of stuff like "u" and "r." I can't even read a sentence written like that without mentally labeling them a dumbass, and I am completely happy with that outcome. The E-Tard filter has done good work for us. If you're having so many problems with it that you suggest it be switched off for everyone, there's some pretty good typing tutor software out there.
Like I said, disabled by default. There would be nothing stopping you from enabling it again. It is not a huge issue or anything, it is just kind of annoying in most cases, so it might as well be disabled by default.

The chat filter is there for a reason, there is no reason to have it disabled by default.


And what reason is that? It has its purposes, but in most cases it is better off disabled. It might as well be disabled by default to save people the time of going and disabling it. It can always be enabled if needed.

quit signing your posts

I am pretty sure that trend is from people who skip reading usernames causing confusion. In fact I started that tread years ago, by doing exactly that (or I think I caused the trend to start, but I do not actually know or anything). I failed to read usernames and just commented. I was an idiot back then though, but still a mistake anybody could make upon getting to involved in a debate and I have seen others make the same mistake.

What the forget does the E even stand for? Erection?
Erectard filter.

What the forget does the E even stand for? Erection?
Erectard filter.
it's like e-mail

Maybe if you didn't type words like defult you wouldn't run into problems with the e-tard filter  :cookieMonster:

Like I said, disabled by default. There would be nothing stopping you from enabling it again. It is not a huge issue or anything, it is just kind of annoying in most cases, so it might as well be disabled by default.
Amusingly enough, the exact same argument could be made for the opposite position:

"Like I said, enabled by default. There is nothing stopping you from disabling it. It is not a huge issue or anything, but people pretending barbaric abbreviations for already tiny words is an acceptable practice in communication is kind of annoying in most cases, so it might as well be enabled by default."

I am pretty sure that trend is from people who skip reading usernames causing confusion. In fact I started that tread years ago, by doing exactly that (or I think I caused the trend to start, but I do not actually know or anything). I failed to read usernames and just commented. I was an idiot back then though, but still a mistake anybody could make upon getting to involved in a debate and I have seen others make the same mistake.
No, you didn't. It's not a trend here, it's just an occasional habit of newcomers who haven't assimilated the forum's culture carried over from other types of written correspondence or other message boards.

people pretending barbaric abbreviations for already tiny words is an acceptable practice in communication
it's a video game

Amusingly enough, the exact same argument could be made for the opposite position:

"Like I said, enabled by default. There is nothing stopping you from disabling it. It is not a huge issue or anything, but people pretending barbaric abbreviations for already tiny words is an acceptable practice in communication is kind of annoying in most cases, so it might as well be enabled by default."

Yes but it is disabled more often than it is enabled, therefor it would save more people time by having it disabled by default than it would to have it enabled by default. Also in what way is it barbaric? It still gets the same message across, and if people want to seem less intelligent that is their own problem, not yours or the games to solve.  Calling it barbaric, is like calling the original native american tribes savages (though much more offensive), just because they do thing different does not make it barbaric/savage.
By the logic for one who wants to sell something, majority rules, and the majority disables the E-tard filter, so it would make more sense to have it disabled by default.

What the forget does the E even stand for? Erection?
Erectard filter.

The E stands for electronic, just like the e in e-mail.

Yes but it is disabled more often than it is enabled, therefor it would save more people time by having it disabled by default than it would to have it enabled by default.
I'll refer you to the option to display BLIDs in the player list and the option to press up to repeat yourself in the chat, which are off by default under the philosophy that if you can't figure out how to change them, then you probably shouldn't be using them in the first place.

It still gets the same message across, and if people want to seem less intelligent that is their own problem, not yours or the games to solve.
I disagree. I, and presumably others who disagree with you, find shorthand drivel in the chat to be an eyesore, similar to chat spam. The e-tard filter prevents that, improving the game.

Calling it barbaric, is like calling the original native american tribes savages (though much more offensive), just because they do thing different does not make it barbaric/savage.
I didn't call them barbaric because they communicate differently, I called them barbaric because they communicate in a dumb and unsophisticated way that people who don't abuse their own language have every reason to look down upon. Also, I'm not sure if you're saying it's more offensive to call dumbasses on the internet barbarians than it is to call Native Americans savages, but I suppose it doesn't matter too much because I'm well aware the latter would be offensive and I don't care whether or not the former is.

By the logic for one who wants to sell something, majority rules, and the majority disables the E-tard filter, so it would make more sense to have it disabled by default.
And that's where this entire thing falls apart, isn't it? Because in case you haven't noticed, the majority doesn't rule here, the game developer does, you know, Badspot, the guy who put it in the game to begin with? Since he has it on for his server, I can't imagine his opinion has changed too far from when he said this -
The "Learn how to type" filter is the single greatest thing ever released on the internet.
The filter in question being the early incarnation when it was implemented in an earlier game, Age of Time. "Learn how to type" was the original text it threw in your face for typing the things that set off the e-tard filter in Blockland. Given what's been done with flood control in the past, I don't find it too hard to imagine him responding to an abundance of filthy barbaric e-tard savages by removing the option completely and having it be permanently on.

you guys are putting far too much thought into this

you guys are putting far too much thought into this

There is no such thing as too much thought into something. If anything people should think more about everything, the world would be a better place.

I'll refer you to the option to display BLIDs in the player list and the option to press up to repeat yourself in the chat, which are off by default under the philosophy that if you can't figure out how to change them, then you probably shouldn't be using them in the first place.
I disagree. I, and presumably others who disagree with you, find shorthand drivel in the chat to be an eyesore, similar to chat spam. The e-tard filter prevents that, improving the game.
I didn't call them barbaric because they communicate differently, I called them barbaric because they communicate in a dumb and unsophisticated way that people who don't abuse their own language have every reason to look down upon. Also, I'm not sure if you're saying it's more offensive to call dumbasses on the internet barbarians than it is to call Native Americans savages, but I suppose it doesn't matter too much because I'm well aware the latter would be offensive and I don't care whether or not the former is.
And that's where this entire thing falls apart, isn't it? Because in case you haven't noticed, the majority doesn't rule here, the game developer does, you know, Badspot, the guy who put it in the game to begin with? Since he has it on for his server, I can't imagine his opinion has changed too far from when he said this -The filter in question being the early incarnation when it was implemented in an earlier game, Age of Time. "Learn how to type" was the original text it threw in your face for typing the things that set off the e-tard filter in Blockland. Given what's been done with flood control in the past, I don't find it too hard to imagine him responding to an abundance of filthy barbaric e-tard savages by removing the option completely and having it be permanently on.

You make some good points, but I did say "by the logic of somebody who wants to sell something," not "by the logic of Badspot," but your point still stands.

I meant to say it is more offensive to call native americans savages.

I disagree with the eyesore argument, just because you do not like how it looks, does not mean everybody should agree. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 04:32:34 PM by Crazy ManMan »

I disagree with the eyesore argument, just because you do not like how it looks, does not mean everybody should agree. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
And spewing nonsensical misspelled abbreviated words is a pain in the eye for everyone else.

The solution isn't to disable e-tard, it's to stop typing like a douchebag.