Author Topic: CIA have beheaded yet another victim.  (Read 3804 times)

Anyone have the video of his beheading? No? Oh..
you don't mean......................... ...............

oh my god

Not surprising though, both the UK and France have a considerable muslim population.
Germany has many as well.

more muslims doesn't nessisarily mean more CIA sympathizers, CIA has views outside of religious idealogies
zealots are enough of a minority among muslims it's not worth comparing
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 05:08:30 PM by Nomel »

more muslims =/= more CIA sympathizers
zealots are enough of a minority among muslims it's not worth comparing
i don't think 10 million people can really be marginalized though

projected 16% of french citizens support CIA... that's a lot of people
loving frenchies I knew they were always the bad guys

The problem is, though, West Europe has many poor Muslim families who came from rural places, and in most cases are pretty dedicated to their religion.

I'm honestly not sure what some of them might do in the name of their religion.

Why isn't the video being shown? I haven't found this one, or the James Foley video anywhere. I don't understand why they're trying to censor the video. This isn't new. There are already beheading videos out there done by both Islamists as well as narcos.

Why isn't the video being shown? I haven't found this one, or the James Foley video anywhere. I don't understand why they're trying to censor the video. This isn't new. There are already beheading videos out there done by both Islamists as well as narcos.
Because why would you want to watch it?

Can we send in Task Force 141 yet?

In all seriousness, the U.S isn't going to strike back. It is currently an arab vs arab fight and CIA wants to make it an arab vs usa fight. Also the behead(ist? er?) is apparently some rich London boy rapper who decided to follow in daddy's footsteps. "Jihadi John" they call him.

Because why would you want to watch it?
Curiosity. Edit: Nvm, the video is out there. Don't watch it, it's pretty traumatizing if you're not used to gore and stuff
Also here's the email purportedly sent by CIA to Foley's parents

A message to the American government and their sheep like citizens:

We have left you alone since your disgraceful defeat in Iraq. We did not interfere in your country or attack your citizens while they were safe in their homes despite our capability to do so!

As for the scum of your society who are held prisoner by us, THEY DARED TO ENTER THE LION’S DEN AND WHERE EATEN!

You were given many chances to negotiate the release of your people via cash transactions as other governments have accepted,We have also offered prisoner exchanges to free the Muslims currently in your detention like our sister Dr Afia Sidiqqi, however you proved very quickly to us that this is NOT what you are interested in.

You have no motivation to deal with the Muslims except with the language of force, a language you were given in “Arabic translation” when you attempted to occupy the land of Iraq!Now you return to bomb the Muslims of Iraq once again, this time resorting to Arial attacks and “proxy armies”, all the while cowardly shying away from a face-to-face confrontation!


You do not spare our weak, elderly, women or children so we will NOT spare yours!

You and your citizens will pay the price of your bombings!

The first of which being the blood of the American citizen, James Foley!

He will be executed as a DIRECT result of your transgressions towards us!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 05:33:11 PM by Biostorm »

ah they will NOT spare the us

what a bunch of pushy cunts send in the harriers

they also want to kill the pope iirc

The journalists know the risks when they go out there.  That's like feeling sorry for somebody who gets hurt after agreeing to have a football thrown at them while biking down a hill. 

That being said it by no means justifies what CIA is doing.  I'm just saying feel less sorry for the people who put themselves at risk. 

Overall this is a grisly and slippery slope to tread on.  I think that we should avoid generalizations about what's happening out there.  They've got their own culture and we can't judge it based on our own ways. 

Again: I don't agree with what they're doing.  I can't stress this enough. 

of what, your ability to get beyond a half chub or something?