Author Topic: System_StaticMaps [1.2-beta] - Easier static shape loading. Kitchen in works!  (Read 112552 times)

no brakes on the HYPE TRAIN

This is just fantastic!!!  I don't know how to thank you enough, Wrapperup! I have a red spot on my right arm now, I kept on pinching it the whole 10 minutes I explored bedroom once again, just to make sure it all wasn't just a dream! The level of nostalgia is skyhigh right now!

But I discovered a small problem.

The large wall with the "We can do it" - poster appears not to have any collision with veichles, I ran a car straight through it. otherwise, great job saving Blockland, Warpperup!

*Sorry for all the prevous misspells, I think I'm typing way to fast or maybe it's just my brain having a meltdown...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 03:35:45 PM by Blockman007 »

If you want to load your old saves, enter this into your console and then load them.
$loadoffset = "-84 114 -93.9";

I could spend the time fixing every single part of the map inside to have better vehicle collisions, but wrapper needs to tell me how

I could spend the time fixing every single part of the map inside to have better vehicle collisions, but wrapper needs to tell me how
sigh, milkshape isn't gonna magically fix all the collision problems, in fact, it was more limiting to wrapperup

How the forget did you get vehicle collisions working??

sigh, milkshape isn't gonna magically fix all the collision problems, in fact, it was more limiting to wrapperup
no all we have to do is put collision grids in the map in blender

Where I am standing has no collision. btw this is AMAZING

EDIT: and I can get stuck in the lamp where the light bulb is supposed to be

EDIT: and it's not letting me go to the area in FRONT of the mattress (you can do this in v20)

EDIT: and the poster doesn't have collision
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 02:59:38 PM by Crispy_ »

How the forget did you get vehicle collisions working??

I made multiple collisions for the floor, like a grid of the collisions. For some reason, if the collision is too wide or long, vehicles collision wont know (the wheels can see them for some reason, just not the vehicle's actual collision)

Also, i forgot to put these in the OP, ill do it in just a few mins.

Bedroom files
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 02:34:16 PM by Wrapperup »

I made multiple collisions for the floor, like a grid of the collisions. For some reason, if the collision is too wide or long, vehicles collision wont know (the wheels can see them for some reason, just not the vehicle's actual collision)

Also, i forgot to put these in the OP, ill do it in just a few mins.

Bedroom files

can someone take these files and fix up more of the collisions? like wrapper was saying he mdae a grid of collisions on the floor

>Gets released as soon as computer is shut down.
>Goes on phone
>Notices brickitects build
>Wonders how he gets bedroom
>Checks topic

maxx stop

we don't need your peppy ass to ruin this with cringe