Author Topic: Hacker Experience  (Read 341771 times)

trying to download the cool-ass cracker from the clan server

this may take a while

also why do we have a doom virus

I want to upload a 5.9 cracker, but there's no space! Someone get to upgrading the clan server!

ayy this game is good
let me in clan pls

uh can someone upload one of each of the basic files you need to the clan
just took a look at my HDD and it seems the new cracker i just got from the clan is the only thing in it

ok woah that was fast
i'd upload the basics but my internet is stuff and i think theres not enough space

in retrospect i might have to delete the fancy new cracker i just downloaded from you since my hard drive isn't big enough to hold it and everything else

you could update the hd too but iunno how expensive it'd be for you

i have 0 cash

anyway i deleted the cracker, so pls go to the first puzzle, get the basic files and upload them to the clan for me

ok woah that was fast
i'd upload the basics but my internet is stuff and i think theres not enough space
i woke up 5 minutes after you posted that. it was just really good timing
and i'm working on upgrading the hardware

i think my bank account might be invincible
2014-12-26 15:42 - localhost upgraded [] hdd to 2 GB for $1000. Funds were transferred from account #[bank account here] at []
i dont actually have a bank account but i can pay for stuff using a bank account i don't have and put stuff in to it. but nobody can take out of it
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 10:50:06 AM by ZombieDude »

god damn it we're starting over again?

Just going to restart and make a new account under my forum name. I'll try and join the BLF clan. I keep getting hacked and lose everything.

i'm not starting over per se, i barely had anything to begin with

so upload basics to clan pls
He's inside me!

My 5.9 cracker can't get into his!

eh ill just get the barebones basics from the download center i guess

I cant do stuff
I cant loving break into anyone cause I have the stuffty starter cracker and no money what the hell do I do