Author Topic: Hacker Experience  (Read 339897 times)

so how do you use a seeker

I used a fake email generator and incognito to get a new account. I'll sign up to the clan. My name will be JefferyTube.

like incognito would do anything lol

lol somebody hid all my 1.0 stuff
hacker pls

does the fact that you downloaded a thing from a server get added to the log when you start the download, or when you finish it?

because at this connection speed if it's added on start i'm gonna get my ass hacked in no time
this brother keeps hiding my 1.0 stuff
like lolololooololololol

does the fact that you downloaded a thing from a server get added to the log when you start the download, or when you finish it?

because at this connection speed if it's added on start i'm gonna get my ass hacked in no time
when you finish
this brother keeps hiding my 1.0 stuff
hacked him
incoming ddos
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 02:59:31 PM by Satan From Wreck-It-Ralph »
this brother keeps hiding my 1.0 stuff
like lolololooololololol
loving him up
guys come help

gonna back up my stuff on the clan server just in case and then come help ok

it's really small stuff so it won't hurt you

edit: upload speed too small, can't backup
oh well here goes

edit 2: cracker not good enough to hack
unless you guys tell me the login creds i can't help
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 03:24:11 PM by Tudoreleu »

on the downside i forgeted up real time and now i got ddosed by 2 dudes
on the flipside my idea was going all out on that dude and now he cant do stuff
lemme get my alt up now

when you finishhacked him
incoming ddos
what level seeker and av do you have?

also can you ddos this cigarette:
I need someone with a good seeker to go to my IP (I'll trust them)
and unhide my seeker and crackers that the guy loving hid.
PM me if you can do this

i need at least a 5.0 av to delete all the viruses these friends put on me

EDIT: that cigarette changed his IP damnit

just pm me if you think you can unhide my files
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 05:03:26 PM by GrenadeBoy »

oh stuff I just realized we are in a clan war with nenem

btw I double posted to bump the topic with this news

oh no they are the #2 clan in hacker experience I have a feeling we might lose
hopefully we prevail!
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 05:06:18 PM by GrenadeBoy »

oh stuff I just realized we are in a clan war with nenem

btw I double posted to bump the topic with this news

oh no they are the #2 clan in hacker experience I have a feeling we might lose
hopefully we prevail!
Clan war? stuff, and my 5.9 cracker is hidden!

I can't even get one from the download center wtf.

wtf is this code
072 097 099 107 101 114 032 069 120 112 101 114 105 101 110 099 101