Author Topic: Hacker Experience  (Read 338555 times)

Who I am, you know.
But what is not known is how the hell do I do this?

Who I am, you know.
But what is not known is how the hell do I do this?
once you've done the basic tutorial stuff, start doing the puzzle trail. the first puzzle can be found at the first whois. if you need basic programs to start off, go to the download center. always clear logs after performing an action, whether that be downloading, uploading, deleting, or running programs.

once you've done the basic tutorial stuff, start doing the puzzle trail. the first puzzle can be found at the first whois. if you need basic programs to start off, go to the download center. always clear your logs after performing an action.
Alright, also is it normal for the site to randomly be slow as hell? Or is that just part of it?

Alright, also is it normal for the site to randomly be slow as hell? Or is that just part of it?

no, but it's been happening to me too earlier, and i nearly got hacked because of it not letting me force a task to be confirmed (as in going to another page while a task is in progress so you have to click "done" for the task to go through)

unrelated note again: i got his 10.2 cracker, and 4 of his files are 15 minutes away from being mine is 100% open to all exploits now btw
i stole 5 of his best files and will upload to the clan server later if there's space
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 01:34:07 AM by QuadStorm »

Alright, also is it normal for the site to randomly be slow as hell? Or is that just part of it?

the site isn't being slow for me, no.
unless you're talking about tasks in the task manager.

the site isn't being slow for me, no.
unless you're talking about tasks in the task manager.
Odd, its been hellishly slow at random for me.

unrelated note again: i got his 10.2 cracker, and 4 of his files are 15 minutes away from being mine is 100% open to all exploits now btw
i just saw 2 people log in as ftp, i'll just assume it's you guys so i won't hack the ips i just saw
go ahead and hack, i've been framing him all over the place. he tried to give me viruses. then a friendly hacker came along and removed it for me.

Now the site doesn't respond to me, period. Whats up with that?

Now the site doesn't respond to me, period. Whats up with that?
maybe it's your own internet, then.
getting me some of that 10.2 cracker. i won't be able to do missions anymore, but it's worth it.
QuadStorm, just so you know, the guy with the 10.2 cracker IS online.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 01:37:54 AM by auzman466 »

QuadStorm, just so you know, the guy with the 10.2 cracker IS online.
indeed, but if you clear logs quick enough you should be safe, otherwise wait until he goes offline or something. he can't hack me back, even though he had plenty of good files, which is pretty lucky on my end

also can't hack so he's clearly a big guy
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 02:25:29 AM by QuadStorm »

indeed, but if you clear logs quick enough you should be safe, otherwise wait until he goes offline or something. he can't hack me back, even though he had plenty of good files, which is pretty lucky on my end
yeah, i have a v11.2 cracker hasher so, he can't do stuff to me
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 01:45:41 AM by auzman466 »

yeah, i have a v11.2 cracker hasher so, he can't do stuff to me

Firewall too?

i installed a bunch of 1.5 warez viruses on people
now to sleep, wake up, and rake in all that dosh.

Firewall too?
he doesn't seem to care anyways.