Author Topic: Kimon² - How dare the rules be enforced in MY thread!  (Read 13232 times)

i mean it honestly baffles me that posting memes on something i have literally dubbed the meme megathread (albeit jokingly) would justify this type of anger. you guys are weird.

what about getting unreasonably angry about avoidable memes is not ridiculous

what about getting unreasonably angry about avoidable memes is not ridiculous
*buzz* x2
are you going for an all time streak

*buzz* x2
are you going for an all time streak
would you at least explain why getting so angry over posts that you actively choose to view to the point that you guys are personally insulting me is valid criticism

a rule was broken. you kept arguing and getting "angry" that the ban was unfair because spam can be ignored. if someone took a stuff over my front door is it unjust to call the cops? should I just ignore it because it doesn't hurt me?

am i supposed to believe that this person is not angry

because that sounds exactly like something an angry person would say
a rule was broken. you kept arguing and getting "angry" that the ban was unfair because spam can be ignored. if someone took a stuff over my front door is it unjust to call the cops? should I just ignore it because it doesn't hurt me?
this hasn't been about shortcut for a long while now

this hasn't been about shortcut for a long while now
it's about you. now people are arguing with you because you choose to ignore the situation at hand. people get "angry" because you continuously taunt them as if nothing happened.

it's about you. now people are arguing with you because you choose to ignore the situation at hand. people get "angry" because you continuously taunt them as if nothing happened.
the "situation at hand" is that a handful of teenagers are choosing to see posts and then getting irrationally angry over them. if it feels like i'm not taking this seriously, it's because there is literally a handful of teenagers that are choosing to see posts that they dont like and getting irrationally angry over them.

so you ran out of witty responses and resort to using reaction gifs?

so you ran out of witty responses and resort to using reaction gifs?
it's almost like pictures can convey emotions, expressions, and actions

I don't understand the ability of so many people around here like Kimon to see so many people telling them they are wrong and still maintain in their minds that they are in the right.
It is just absolutely baffling.

I don't understand the ability of so many people around here like Kimon to see so many people telling them they are wrong and still maintain in their minds that they are in the right.
It is just absolutely baffling.
what's really baffling is that a handful of youths on an internet community for a lego game are literally angry at me for posting easily avoidable things that affect them in no way, and then say i'm dismissing valid criticism when they insult me

how can someone be this inept holy stuff
[im g][/im g]the "situation at hand" is that a handful of teenagers are choosing to see posts funny how you're labeling people as "teenagers" and then getting irrationally angry over them. it seriously is like talking to a brick wall, huh