Author Topic: Kimon² - How dare the rules be enforced in MY thread!  (Read 13241 times)

edit: i couldnt find my post about TL:DR wikipedia because the search function is loving bullstuff, but that's the best damn thing on tumblr and in that thread; confound it!

The forget are you doing on a high horse here? Of all the people, you think you're above anyone? Tell me you're joking. There is no way you could actually be this big headed.
i mean i don't know where you're getting this exactly ,

look better
2 quotes where you're only mildy argumentative, a gif, and a link to a blog. bravo.

oh no, i proved you wrong; make sure you rebuttle like it's absolutely nothing.

also, that's not argumentative, it had to do with the jontron handicapped controversy and that was completely legitimate discussion.

oh no, i proved you wrong; make sure you rebuttle like it's absolutely nothing.

also, that's not argumentative, it had to do with the jontron handicapped controversy and that was completely legitimate discussion.
out of all the posts you've made arguing, i'd say it's pretty insignificant

out of all the posts you've made arguing, i'd say it's pretty insignificant
yes, all 3 of them.

yes, all 3 of them.
>3 arguing posts
maybe in the last few days, but nice try

>3 arguing posts
maybe in the last few days, but nice try
find more of them then.

find more of them then.
you want me to dig through your posts at 1:30 am to find posts you damn well know exist?

you want me to dig through your posts at 1:30 am to find posts you damn well know exist?
I actually found a 4th one where I stated it won't be long before you get banned again, but I found even more non-argumentative ones.

And yeah, I do, because so far your statement has been pretty baseless, while I've actually proved you wrong on all occasions.

you want me to dig through your posts at 1:30 am to find posts you damn well know exist?
why won't you do it if you said that he makes argumentative posts often in the tumblr thread? can't you just look on the first page and find them?

why won't you do it if you said that he makes argumentative posts often in the tumblr thread? can't you just look on the first page and find them?
no, i'd have to dig through specific pages where there were arguments.

no, i'd have to dig through specific pages where there were arguments.
huh, thats odd, usually when an argument is going on, most of the people in the thread are arguing about a shared subject. which really makes it legitimate discussion, not inciting an argument.

anyways, I've browsed the last 2 months of my posts (about 570 of them)

Clearly arguementative statement:
it wont be long before kimon spams again
That makes 4.

Posts relevant to discussion at the time, or legitimate tumblr happenings:
Fun fact a blocklander has a post with over a million
I dont understand why kimon was banned but w/e.

Forglooble Alooble

Genetically Modified Berry compared to Organic Berry:

Note that the modified specimen is bloated to about 3 times the mass of the common berry. Advanced rot has set in prior to maturity and tests revealed 78% more lactic acid in the modified organism.

Upon contact with the modified berry, the picker’s hands exhibited a rash which is clearly visible on the fingers and should not be mistaken for juice stains acquired during picking. While the common berry, of course, has no ill effects on the skin, the modified organism had an effect similar to poison oak and swelling set in shortly after the photo was taken.  The discoloration and pain lasted approximately 12 hours with treatment including Neosporin and Syrup of Ipecac.

At 16 hours the specimen went missing and could not be monitored for decay rates.  While the common berry remained, the modified berry was spotted the next Tuesday at the corner of Wallace and 12th St. Having grown another meter and a half, the genetically modified berry murdered two prostitutes and became the target of a cross country manhunt. It was last seen on February 20th in Boulder, CO where it has joined with several bananas from the Monsanto corporation and stolen at least two shotguns from the Boulder Police Department.

A manifesto was released online suggesting that the berries intend to strike at our nurseries, killing our young and replacing them with further modified organisms which we will raise as our own. They also intend to “free their enslaved brothers” by treating common fruits and possibly vegetables with mutagens.

The head of the FDA could not be reached for comment as he has gone missing. Only a glass of unidentified red fluid was found in his office, labeled “Extra Pulp”.

Granted I may not post quite frequently in that thread, but that brings up a 10 good / 4 bad post ratio, which is way better than kimons, which is a 0 good / all bad post ratio.

the thread isn't even about tumblr anymore, it's just about who has the biggest Know Your Meme reaction folder.

in essence, kimon is just pulling stuff out of his ass so he looks like he's on top of others, even though he can't back himself up

i got it wrong its an 11 good / 4 bad ratio

thats a 36% negative post value. wow amazing

the "situation at hand" is that a handful of teenagers are choosing to see posts and then getting irrationally angry over them. if it feels like i'm not taking this seriously, it's because there is literally a handful of teenagers that are choosing to see posts that they dont like and getting irrationally angry over them.
what's really baffling is that a handful of youths on an internet community for a lego game are literally angry at me for posting easily avoidable things that affect them in no way, and then say i'm dismissing valid criticism when they insult me
I don't think someone so new they think that setting their age to 420 is "hilarious" is in any position to be talking down to others based on age. Especially since the people he's complaining about are all over 18 from what I've seen.

so you're telling me that this happens:and then i literally say thisand you guys respond with this
are you guys ok? is something happening in your lives right now you wanna talk about that would make you this needlessly hostile
yes it's that you're being dense and wrong and ignorant and you need to stop all this