Author Topic: Kimon² - How dare the rules be enforced in MY thread!  (Read 13231 times)

you guys do not deserve an apology and i thought i made this clear
glad I unfollowed his stuff on there too, there has been much less feminist posts on my dashboard
I changed my URL so no blocklanders follow me lel

You don't "talk about" posts from Tumblr. You brainlessly repost posts from Tumblr.
oh, well sorry we arent having intelligent debates about "none pizza with left beef"
and this is exactly why

i'm serious, the meme spam was really annoying but the worst part of this is your insane idea that somehow, we're the ones who are to blame here

"we tried to save him, he just won't listen when i give him my completely valid criticism"

"i dont know what we did wrong here guys"

yeah man you're obviously doing the right thing when everyone is writing such an incredibly angry message about you. don't act like you don't know what you're doing wrong. but in case you actually don't know, let me tell you:

- stop spamming unfunny memes, no one thinks they're funny
- stop acting like you're higher than everyone else
- stop trying to pin the blame on everyone else

where did I even ask for an apology you moron none of us owe anything to you

you guys do not deserve an apology and i thought i made this clear
Then don't act surprised and whine a lot when people treat you like stuff and call you "dense" and "a lost cause", because you deserve all of that. The power to avert this thread exploding lay entirely within you and you completely blew it by rushing in and acting all high and mighty instead of just accepting that people are sick of your stuffposting and hubris.

i'm acting like i'm better than everyone else because i'm telling you guys that after insulting me over memes you don't like, you don't deserve an apology from me
Then don't act surprised and whine a lot when people treat you like stuff and call you "dense" and "a lost cause", because you deserve all of that. The power to avert this thread exploding lay entirely within you and you completely blew it by rushing in and acting all high and mighty instead of just accepting that people are sick of your stuffposting and hubris.
you know, i was fine with it until it became nothing but personal attacks

The only thing people want from you is that you permanently log out, Kimon

The only thing people want from you is that you permanently log out, Kimon
and yet people are /still/ trying to convince me you guys are posting "valid criticism"

and yet people are /still/ trying to convince me you guys are posting "valid criticism"

guess who totally ignored my post?

Take a break for a few days and this will blow over. There isn't much to talk about here if you aren't around to give people a reason to talk about or yell at you.

*post detailing and explaining reasons for disdain*

*one-liner making fun of kimon*
"See? See! Its all just personal attacks and no valid criticism at all"

i'll recap how this literally played out

on one page i was just like "okay, lay out your hatred for memes on me"
and you did, and i was like "alright ok"
and then zanaran posted something really rude and uncalled for, and i was like "woah what the heck"
and then it was followed by "kimon's loving stupid, brick wall, holes, memes"
and then everyone proceeded to get even angrier when they discovered i was not happy with their sudden richardish attitude
when they were not happy with me not being happy, they decided i was "ignoring their criticism" because i wasn't happy with them insulting me
Take a break for a few days and this will blow over. There isn't much to talk about here if you aren't around to give people a reason to talk about or yell at you.
i've got to go do volunteer work at this thing anyways so i actually wont be here

you guys have like 3 whole hours to call me a cigarette

you can almost literally smell the bullstuff reeking from his posts. he knows what hes doing. and thats to get a raise out of you in hopes you would get banned before he does

you can almost literally smell the bullstuff reeking from his posts. he knows what hes doing. and thats to get a raise out of you in hopes you would get banned before he does
you're reading more into this than a god damn english teacher

im literally sitting here with a kitten on my lap but good job thinking you bother me that much
honestly if this didn't bother you you would stop posting here, which is very much preferred.