Author Topic: Harsh Ban for Modifying Someone's Map for Pecon7's Boss Battles?  (Read 17375 times)

I got permanently banned from Pecon7's Boss Battles because I had uploaded someone else map and tried to modify it!

I got permanently banned from Pecon7's Boss Battles because I had uploaded someone else map and tried to modify it!
I don't see anything about this in the megatopic, did you do this in-game or something?

You have never posted anything of the like on this forum before, sans this drama topic.

Well, if it was a mis-understanding then i guess you will be un-banned soon enough, but i have a feeling you're talking it down.

can confirm
I don't understand. So does this prove that he tried to load it on the boss battles server, or his server, etc. ? I'm confused - what exactly is going on here?

I don't understand. So does this prove that he tried to load it on the boss battles server, or his server, etc. ? I'm confused - what exactly is going on here?
That's a screenshot from the ban list that just shows that OP is actually banned.

Looks like it happened in the last few months from the surrounding bans, though I don't recall hearing about any map theft in the time since then. Waiting on Pecon for an explanation, since normal admins can't ban with the server console and most of the other super admins don't ever have any reason to.

That certainly is harsh. How could you have "stolen" something they already gave to everyone on the server for free?

Wait, so you uploaded someone's map that you modified and tried to pass it off on your own? I'm seriously confused so please tell me if I'm wrong, but I support that ban. I don't think it needed to be perma though.

If I understand correctly, OP tried to save the map on Pecon's server

and this is just a theory, but what if there is script which bans people when trying to save bricks?, if that is correct, that can explain why it was the console who banned op

If I understand correctly, OP tried to save the map on Pecon's server

and this is just a theory, but what if there is script which bans people when trying to save bricks?, if that is correct, that can explain why it was the console who banned op
even if this is the case, a Perma ban is wayyyyy too harsh for something like that.

I am extremely confused.
Please explain more

This occurred a few months ago. The person in question decided to save the Hangar map from the server, load it on their own server called "Boss Battles", and then claimed they made it. This was reported to me by someone I cannot recall now, and after a quick visit to their server to check the facts I banned them.

This occurred a few months ago. The person in question decided to save the Hangar map from the server, load it on their own server called "Boss Battles", and then claimed they made it. This was reported to me by someone I cannot recall now, and after a quick visit to their server to check the facts I banned them.
How many bricks was it missing  :cookieMonster:
I need a good laugh, tell me how bad it loaded from memory

This occurred a few months ago. The person in question decided to save the Hangar map from the server, load it on their own server called "Boss Battles", and then claimed they made it. This was reported to me by someone I cannot recall now, and after a quick visit to their server to check the facts I banned them.
So OP is just full of stuff?