Author Topic: Space1255 - "DONT ACT LIKE ME!!1!"  (Read 10320 times)


If you're pretty active in the--well everywhere. You've probably seen Space1255 have a stupid fit one time or another. He's well aware of this, and yet, he feels he needs to warn people not to follow his footsteps. ...but then, he acts just as normal, stupid as a fencepost and dumb enough to argue with him just like a fencepost.

Before I begin dumping stupidity, I'd like to say I understand this is his 3rd drama yet. His first drama was posted by KillerCop, and before you go "this was his 3rd drama just post it somewhere else" I'd like you to understand that Drama was posted almost 3 weeks ago, and was bumped. The Drama about fascination with chains (which was posted 2 days ago, I know this) really wasn't necessary (in my opinion) but I will agree that he's taken that too far. My main point is that he's acting like a really bad troll and deserves a place in the hall of stupidity.

"guys i changed i really did!"
Okay let's start dumping stupidity. We'll start off with his profile. Nothing much, but let's just say he know that we don't like him, yet he's still acting handicapped. Check out his "Personal Text".
If you want me banned, PM me.
...and let's check out that failed image in his "Location".

If you don't get the references, he's trying to imply that he's "changed"...yet he hasn't done crap. He's still acting handicapped, he's still being a terribly bad troll--I could go on. Oh yeah one more thing, the first image in his signature.

"My old posts from 2 days ago were stupid guys but I changed I really did!"

Now let's cut to his posts. You may have noticed the title, "DONT ACT LIKE ME!!1!" so I'll cut to that first.

In Damp's failed Drama, he starts going "hurr durr DONT DO THIS WE DONT NEED ANOTHER SPACE1255!"
Don't do this.
Don't follow my example
...then this ridiculous unneeded post.
The last thing we need is more. If that day comes Chuck Norris help us all.
really mature.

What are you talking about?
Nowhere did I state I would be like you.

I just said I'd stop with the NSFW threads and chill out on how many threads I make.
You're starting to act like me.
you forgot the part where he makes ridiculously stupid replies and stuffposts.
I promise he isn't a clone of me that I know exists.
let's count how many times he mentions how he acts. Count: 3

Next round!

Please stop making this all about you.
I'm not. I'm trying to make sure we don't have anyone else like me (aggresive, tries to be sassy, etc.)
Count: 4
..and then this post today in a different thread.
Probably acted like an average, normal human.
Never change, you guys.
Count: 5

I'm almost positive I can find more stupidity but I lost so many brain cells making this topic I'll leave it to you guys. This guy is trying way too hard and quite honestly needs to really "change" or screw off.


a third space drama, huh

I'm thinking more along the lines that he's recognizing his posts were bad, and he's using himself as an example as what not to do, albeit with heavy overtones of self-hatred. I do the same thing, regretting every other post I make, I'm just far less vocal about it.

I'm thinking more along the lines that he's recognizing his posts were bad, and he's using himself as an example as what not to do, albeit with heavy overtones of self-hatred. I do the same thing, regretting every other post I make, I'm just far less vocal about it.
In this case he's doing a really crappy job at it.

Is this going to be another case like the Emo Freak dramas where Emo Freak really never learned anything and ended up getting up banned?

Quote from: Blake1 link=topic=268436.msg7933177#msg7933177
"guys i changed i really did!"
Okay let's start dumping stupidity. We'll start off with his profile. Nothing much, but let's just say he know that we don't like him, yet he's still acting handicapped. Check out his "Personal Text"....and let's check out that failed image in his "Location".

Maybe I'd like to show off what made me laugh
Quote from: Blake1 link=topic=268436.msg7933177#msg7933177
he's still being a terribly bad troll
Quote from: Blake1 link=topic=268436.msg7933177#msg7933177
Now let's cut to his posts. You may have noticed the title, "DONT ACT LIKE ME!!1!" so I'll cut to that first.
That is a horrible attempt to sound like me.
Quote from: Blake1 link=topic=268436.msg7933177#msg7933177
In Damp's failed Drama, he starts going "hurr durr DONT DO THIS WE DONT NEED ANOTHER SPACE1255!"...then this ridiculous unneeded post.ft
really mature.
You're starting to act like me.I promise he isn't a clone of me that I know exists.
Sorry for trying to get people I actually like to not be on the bad side of the forums, Like how I am currently.

Quote from: Blake1 link=topic=268436.msg7933177#msg7933177

let's count how many times he mentions how he acts. Count: 3
Count: 4
..and then this post today in a different thread.HMMM HMMMMMM TOTALLY NOT REFERENCING TO YOURSELF.
You're right, I'm not referencing to myself. On a side note, counting how many times I did this or that is a horrible way to should professional, from what I've been told.
Quote from: Blake1 link=topic=268436.msg7933177#msg7933177
Quote from: Blake1 link=topic=268436.msg7933177#msg7933177
Count: 5
This guy is trying way too hard and quite honestly needs to really "change" or screw off.
You're trying way too hard to be funny.

Bold text because when I was originally revising my post, it was all in one massive quote.

space seems like he has a really low self esteem, and its not funny at all, its just depressing

Is this going to be another case like the Emo Freak dramas where Emo Freak really never learned anything and ended up getting up banned?
Unlike Tenshi, Space actually reads and replies to dramas of him.

Bold text because when I was originally revising my post, it was all in one massive quote.
That doesn't mean you have to use bold, dude.

Space just take a break from the forums

Bold text because when I was originally revising my post, it was all in one massive quote.
I don't think you understand how coding works

Space just take a break from the forums
I was considering doing that before this thread was made. Looks like I might.

That doesn't mean you have to use bold, dude.
It was used to differentiate what was being quoted and my replies.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but the iPad is horribly inconvenient.

space seems like he has a really low self esteem, and its not funny at all, its just depressing
Main reason for low self esteem is because I'm overweight. I'm getting my thyroid checked out around October 30 to check to see if there's something wrong with it.

Changed avatar, in case anyone wonders why there's a tiny dot in the OP.

Main reason for low self esteem is because I'm overweight. I'm getting my thyroid checked out around October 30 to check to see if there's something wrong with it.
Can you like stop using your obesity as something to keep letting your anger onto the forums. Like i know its a depressing thing to live with, but don't use us as the punching bag.

Changed avatar, in case anyone wonders why there's a tiny dot in the OP.
You should change it to an image that says "<-- IDIOT" so it points to Blake's name.