
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 163486 times)

Official riot sellout. Just bought ahri and popstar ahri just for the blue buff dance eater egg

i bought elise but idk how to play her
need some tips on her
i don't really jungle alot either
Your spiderlings are a powerful tool.
When clearing you'll want to first tank some damage and allow them to DPS, then allow them to take damage for you.
When ganking, lead with cocoon unless you're really close

Can someone give me a headsup on Tyr? I don't know if im using him for his actual role. I build Shiv and Reapers into more lifesteal but im not sure if I should be getting more health/armor or AD.

this was as darius, cause u know AD attack speed darius

you really dont know about tyr? is the most broken champ in the game op

Crit and lifesteal are ideal. You do not want to build health at all.

fun fact : most randoms are actually dead gophers lying face down on a keyboard

fun fact : most randoms are actually dead gophers lying face down on a keyboard
I can verify that this is true.

currently buying all the 1350 champs, who should I buy next? I only have 7 more


I don't have many support champions but I was thinking of getting sion

get sion

it's my personal opinion but i think he's one of the best tanks / fighters in the game

ill probably get singed last of the 1350s cause hes trash lol

this was such a fun game

we were losing so hard early, i don't know what made it turn around

ill probably get singed last of the 1350s cause hes trash lol
Singed is actually the opposite of trash if you know how to play him. You can be the biggest pain in the ass for the other team by pushing all day, proxying in their base, and running away at 700 ms when they come to stop you.

7 game win streak to get myself to Silver 3