
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 164380 times)

you should usually rush infinity edge on adcs just fyi
"wtf no follow the meta u loving heretic"

Runaans/Attack Speed Ashe  is sooooo fun. So is full AP Amumu

Runaans/Attack Speed Ashe  is sooooo fun. So is full AP Amumu
Try playing full ad crit damage. 46% boost to all crit damage, try it on Gangplank or Ashe. It's hellafun

I like to tell people I main 'support'

shouldn't get warmogs.

Q scales with health.

shouldn't get warmogs.
This is the single most handicapped thing I have read today.

shouldn't get warmogs.
Aha, thats gold.

Or should I say, bronze

shouldn't get warmogs.
i ain't letting you be the team's tank

Warmog is fine on Braum, but Sunfire is probably a better option here. He has literally no armor. Whether this was a situational decision we don't know but the bottom line is that there's going to be at least one AD character and they will be laning against you. If you really really want health then Randuin's is fine too.
After getting rid of Warmog, you have to rethink Spirit Visage too. Banshee's is good, but so is Locket, and Locket is more fitting to being a support.
But really if anyone on their team had a blade of the ruined king you'd be in some trouble.
And you should really be buying at least one item with a shield attached to it.

I tend to prioritize armor less on Braum due to his E, and enemy team was mostly AP anyways. Was going to sell my support item for a randuins but we were stomping pretty hard that game as you may be able to tell from even the support being 6/1 and building a righteous glory instead of a randuins so it was over before I could.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 05:13:00 PM by TheArmyGuy »

fiora with ravenous and bloodthirster is so powerful

Fiora with lifesteal is a pain.

Unless you have thornmail, which is then a pain for her, and her ult.