
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 164227 times)

Diana support doesn't offer any utility to her adc and only really offers burst/effective cc at level 6
That said, it could probably work in the right situation, with the right players.

i like playing naut support

I just need to find an adc to duo with.

Is that an offer to put up with extremely off the wall supports?

Is that an offer to put up with extremely off the wall supports?
depends on if we are talking normals or ranked

depends on if we are talking normals or ranked
Definitely normals. Ranked is usually cancer.

ranked is super cancer.

playing support, I always go for leona because it's the only support where you can go totally ham and still get crediting for trying. and also because she's really good for setting up kills and ganks that leave both your adc and jungler silent at atleast you. ranked in solo queue isn't about winning, it's about managing to not get blamed for losing, which then leads to your team somehow winning.

In ranked, if my lane partner or jungler is rude once I'll often mute them instantly. It's not worth the abuse, and you'll often play better as a result.

Definitely normals. Ranked is usually cancer.
then yes, i'm all for off meta picks in normals

I have to say, I really do enjoy support Gangplank

I have to say, I really do enjoy support Gangplank
This is a personal annoyance of mine.
Going to enter a small rant don't mind me.

There's a fine line between a support, ADC, and bottom laner. A bottom laner is someone who goes bottom lane. An ADC is a champ that through, surprise, Carries through Attack Damage. ADC's usually go in the bottom lane. They are usually accompanied by a support. Do not call yourself a support just because you are in the bottom lane and are not the ADC. A support's job is to support the whole team, not just the ADC. A support helps the ADC, who is then supposed to carry the team as repayment. The support is not helping just the ADC but the team who will benefit from a healthy and strong ADC. This is also why a support buys wards. The support wards so the entire team benefits from the vision and are able to control the map. The support also plays a key role in team fights, usually packing in massive CC and or assistance to keep the ADC who's sole job is to carry the team through the fight. If you are playing Diana botlane or Gangplank botlane (I'm not calling you out, it's just an example), you are NOT a support. You are an assassin or fighter who is in the botlane to help ONLY the ADC. Diana offer almost nothing in terms of CC and if she doesn't follow the proper build path fostered by a solo lane where she can maximize gold and level gain, she's failing her job as an assassin and as a support. Buying a sightstone further cripples her abilities as an assassin by reducing the total items builts by 1 and increases them as a support. Gangplank follows under the same pretense, who's Q is a gold gathering machine, who loses out because he is alongside an ADC who thirst for gold. He offers minimal CC and loses out on his own potential if he builds a sightstone. This is why Naut actually works as a support. He has incredibly heavy CC and has a low gold maintenance if he builds tank instead of damage, which is what he's usually supposed to do. Annie works under the same reason. She has an incredibly attractive innate tankiness that can be fostered by lower gold cost items, and arguable the best stun in the game capable of turning tides within favor. So next time you type "sup" into the chat box, please mind that your choice in champion aligns with what you claim the role you're trying to fulfill is. I don't care that it's normals, someone out there might still be looking for a good match outside of ranked. Please atleast make sure your team is okay with it, especially in ranked.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 10:01:14 PM by Alphadin »

People build Diana as an assassin? I always built her as a pseudo-ap bruiser. Lichebane, abyssal, hourglass etc.

then yes, i'm all for off meta picks in normals
I added you btw.

all i want is to be in silver then im never playing ranked again

Silver is really just Bronze except people know how to manage mana slightly better and ward their brushes, about it.

Oh, no its cool. I understand ya, I feel the same way(Nocturne supports make die a little). I'd like to add that I laneswapped into support(it was originally shen support). We didnt do bad in lane and won our lane first actually.