
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 163722 times)

leveling to 30 isnt a GREAT exp the first time, but after youve done it once its not even that big a deal, just takes a bit. idk its stuffty for the new players but playing battle of the smurfs every game is fun lol

Still looking for an adc who will put up with my stuff.

Still looking for an adc who will put up with my stuff.

I mean I wouldn't mind, on the days where I'm richarding around. But sometimes I open up league with the intent to win some games and I dunno if you want to be a part of that. I get intense.

playing my smurf's placements

silver is a loving joke lmao

I'm pretty sure my win rate with support kalista is like 75%

why no bloodthirster draven

Still looking for an adc who will put up with my stuff.
brother i added you back just invite me if im on and ill join

brother i added you back just invite me if im on and ill join
I totally didn't forget you existed.


liandrys gona get picked up a lot more

I hope it makes Elise viable again. I enjoy playing her.

How the hell do you get out of bronze, every team I get is awful...

How the hell do you get out of bronze, every team I get is awful...
Stop thinking it's the team's fault is step 1.

It sounds stuffty, but it's the only way.

Stop thinking it's the team's fault is step 1.

It sounds stuffty, but it's the only way.
in all honesty it's not like it' ALWAYS an excuse
you can see people that are obviously bad at the game and it only takes 1 guy to screw up everything