Author Topic: LG G3 vs. Galaxy S5 vs. Nexus 6  (Read 2349 times)

the nexus 6 in terms of performance is better than those two

again, if you're fine with it's huge size it's the best option
This is pretty much the final verdict, if you think it is too big than the G3, but an S5 is not worth it at all.
Coming from someone who has experience with all.

Yeah I found out my s4 has a common issue where it won't detct my sim card and it pretty much gets bricked so I'm getting a new phone.

IDK if it's available, but if you like the Nexus 6 but want it smaller, the 2nd Gen Moto X is really nice. There are more powerful devices, but because it's running nearly stock Android, it's still very, very fast.

I think I'm gonna go with the LG G3. Thanks for all the input!

yeah, i ordered an extended battery off amazon, use mine way too much for the default to work for me. 2100 mAh vs extended 7200 mAh. so good.
is it worth the extra bulk??? Im getting a free replacement battery but im really interested in the anker 7200 battery

I hated the LG G3, I had a very laggy experience and I had bare minimum apps.

is it worth the extra bulk??? Im getting a free replacement battery but im really interested in the anker 7200 battery
i mean, i got the zer0lemon 7200 which basically came with a rubber casing for the battery itself, and it's got a great form factor. i've got black holes for pockets so it's perfect for me, but if you've got small, girly hands and have trouble holding your phone to begin with, it's a bad choice. it increases the weight 50-60% but i much enjoy the heft, i can actually keep track of it now.

I hated the LG G3, I had a very laggy experience and I had bare minimum apps.

works absolutely fine for me :cookieMonster:

i just want custom roms to come out for it already..

I hated the LG G3, I had a very laggy experience and I had bare minimum apps.
idk yours was probably defective lol
btw what do you mean by "bare minimum apps"?