Author Topic: Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth Megathread: Rebirth coming to N3DS and Wii U!  (Read 128272 times)

The fight before the Greed Mode final boss is various Greeds instead of Monstro now, which means you can get extra money when you kill them to donate to the Greed machine, that pretty much solidifies what I assumed about Ed's cryptic tweets

Also there's a percentage on the HUD when you get to that point that tells you the chance that the Greed machine will jam on that character, encouraging you not to just playing the same character over and over

aww azazel is still broken

I didn't get the achievement

I just realized that Flat isn't around anymore to update the OP to reflect Afterbirth.
I found this funny

Greed mode is so stressful as the lost.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 09:07:33 PM by Private McDoggy »

I never even unlocked the Lost because I didn't even want to think about playing as him

Just thinking about not being able to make a single mistake the entire run unless you sit around resetting for Dead Cat or Holy Mantle is stressful enough without actually doing it

I just realized that Flat isn't around anymore to update the OP to reflect Afterbirth.
ill track him down and force him to come back to only update the OP

I never even unlocked the Lost because I didn't even want to think about playing as him

Just thinking about not being able to make a single mistake the entire run unless you sit around resetting for Dead Cat or Holy Mantle is stressful enough without actually doing it
I downloaded a mod for the lost after I unlocked him that made me start with holy mantle and dead cat so it wouldn't be as bad. I got rid of that mod after I got all 6 wins and now I was trying to see if I could do greed mode legit, but I only got to sheol and got telefragged.

didn't even intend to stop playing there

I downloaded a mod for the lost after I unlocked him that made me start with holy mantle and dead cat so it wouldn't be as bad. I got rid of that mod after I got all 6 wins and now I was trying to see if I could do greed mode legit, but I only got to sheol and got telefragged.

I don't really want to do something like that, not necessarily because I think it's cheap, but because I don't want to devalue the achievements of the people who did it legitimately

Just thinking about not being able to make a single mistake the entire run unless you sit around resetting for Dead Cat or Holy Mantle is stressful enough without actually doing it

trust me, it can't even compare to the stress you'll suffer from when you actually do it

thanks to the lost, i haven't even purchased afterbirth. i don't want to play the binding of isaac anymore, ever. the lost + getting real platinum god effectively killed my love for these games

trust me, it can't even compare to the stress you'll suffer from when you actually do it

thanks to the lost, i haven't even purchased afterbirth. i don't want to play the binding of isaac anymore, ever. the lost + getting real platinum god effectively killed my love for these games
They really should I went with if you find 10 soul hearts you get one soul heart or something like that.

New post on the subreddit from Ed, with bolded stuff from me to make it easier to read
Quote from: Ed McMillen
with the next update incoming i thought id address the concerns of some fans on here. (again i dont have a lot of time to read comments so dont expect responses if you address me in the comments)
Scaling Health: i dont feel like this is really an issue at all (the real issue ill address later) in fact i feel like scaling health is something that id like to explore more in other games because i feel like IF DONE RIGHT it will make things more interesting and keep some pressure on if things get too imbalanced.
keep in mind im not saying health should fully scale to damage or whatever, i just think if the game sees you are walking in and destroying everything you see with no effort, then some bosses should scale a bit so those runs done become boring.
but dont worry this is something that wont be abused
Book of Belial: when making the original i had added "evil items" that raised the chance of devil rooms.. then i forgot i did this and never added these effects to later evil items. i also didnt realize the book was a 100% chance..
one of the biggest issues i had with isaac was how devil deals can become "win mores" and wanted to discourage this. so i lowered all the items that had devil effects by 50% and i think its much better balanced this way.
Azazel: sadly this was a typo on my part when i sent a message to the guys that i wanted to re-balance az by raising his charge time slightly OR lowering his damage.. i accidentally typed AND and we got the ultra nerfed az we know today.
this will be addressed in next weeks update
Ultra Greed: this was another bug tied to the "everything is terrible 2" that made greed harder. it wasnt suposed to unlock till much later.. and even by the time its unlocked its still too hard.
tyrone just went a bit crazy this time, it will be rebalanced in the next update.
Tiny Rooms: i hear you here, but i still love the extra challenge small boss rooms give, but im going to make these rooms more rare in the next update.
Guaranteed Damage Rooms: im not aware of these but if they exist please make a thread about them so the guys can see it and address the issues
Bad Secret Rooms: "bad rooms" are important.. and they arent really all that bad. same with "bad items" for every OP item there needs to be a bad one, for every amazing secret room there needs to be a forget you one. its just how the game works and how it always works.
its just as important for you to yell "forget you edmund" and continue playing as it is to yell "forget YES!" and continue playing.
Penalizing Item Pickup: i really dont see this as an issue and daily runs were by far the most tested and tune aspect of the game so i dont see it changing much. the penalty is very minor and it adds a tiny aspect of risk reward to a feature i feel is very balanced.
Tumor: i wasnt aware that this transformation remove your normal tears.. if its true it will be addressed in the next update
Retrovision: i really dont know what to do about this one, i personally on see it as an issue but if it continues to be an issue we may address it down the road.. i like it.
Glass Cannon: forget off this item is loving bonkers, if you pick this up and cant figure out ways to play around it or abuse its power you are doing it wrong. this item in its current state is one of my faves.

all in all i hope this post reads as THE BIGGEST ISSUES ARE BUGS WE WILL ADDRESS VERY SOON
an i hope the rest reads as, isaac is a delicate dance... the perfect version of this game in my eyes would give you really difficult runs as much as it gives you broken ones. it should be strategic and rely on skill but also hand you a golden ticket every once in a while.
anywho trying my best to stay on top of issues while juggling a baby so bear with me when it comes to balance,bug,update issues. for the most part i know whats wrong because i play the game almost as much as you do so just have a little faith.. i did make this game you guys enjoy and am a fan myself.. i know whats best for the game, even if it means lowering the chance of breaking stuff by 1% ;)
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i dont really like his stance on scaling health. i was always really satisfied when i got a good run and was able to wreck ???/isaac

but yeah i like his stance on everything else iguess

i think these bosses need scaling (just depending on how early the boss is)
mom's heart/it lives
the lamb
mega satan
ultra greed
the hush