
Do you agree that we should try to fix these problems?

Sure. We could become a friendly community!
I don't see any problems here.

Author Topic: The problems with our community.  (Read 23446 times)

I agree, Sir Dooble is a great user.
I should be on that list scrub.

It's sweet that you put me as an example of a good user, but I'm not perfect.
I've caused arguments, started fights, de-railed topics, joked about where it wasn't wanted, been petty with other users, insulted people with little reason, and I'm certain I've been suspecting of new users in the past.

Every user does good things and bad things. No one's perfect.

Just maybe consider that I'm 19, and have been on these forums since I was 13. I've grown up with the place, and I generally know what's accepted and what's not.

Yeah, but you're funny, and REALLY helpful.

I agree with op In the fact that this community is a little screwed up. The people who see it as "perfectly fine" and "just like any other forum" are either blinded by their own ego or just ignorant.

We have a major problem on DDoSing each other, and even the master server and forums have taken effect. I have not seen any other community where there is a problem with playing because of MULTIPLE USERS.

I agree with op
I'm scared to death by getting hated by the community to post anything, I mean have you seen my post rate?
I think one of the problems with this forum is that it doesn't really give off and impression to "Invite people in" It more gives off a vibe to "Damn them all to Hell"
I mean what are we? The Hood? To be honest I have thought about leaving because of the pile of menthol's this place is before. The only thing that is stopping me is the few 1000 good people on here (its an exaggeration I think it's off by a few 100's) I mean sure argue, what is that going to get you?
Fame? Friends? This is like those stereotype high-schools where if your a richard-sizzle you're considered "Cool" Honestly all this will really get you is an inflated ego.

people take BLF way too seriously. not to say everything here is moot, not at all, but... even loving up majorly here most likely won't effect your life in any way. don't get so heated, don't get so mad at eacho ther, take a joke(this one especially), don't actively try to ruin people's lives because they did some stuff on blockland.

Noedit: Badspot should clear every post in the forums for a new start.
do you seriously go by that logic

OT : ill be honest, ive been hostile to people recently and im kinda working on it (and i purposely was annoying in things not related to blockland), and it generally caused stuff to hit the fan, im working on it, i think ive just been too hostile recently (and before)

i agree as well, everyone on these forums hate each other for some really stupid reasons lol

y'all need to chill

i agree as well, everyone on these forums hate each other for some really stupid reasons lol

y'all need to chill
i agree, but honestly i've think we've reached the point of no going back

crispy, this was a good idea, i just think there's no chance of changing this forum, for better or for worse

This forum lets you be free with your expressions.

Go on the Minecraft forums and post an abortion topic, see what happens.

agreed im sick of people accusing new users of being an alt

i agree. also demian and sir dooble are really fluent and nice users.
sir dooble must be in a writing class tho, he literally can write books.
im sick of people accusing new users of being an alt

agreed im sick of people accusing new users of being an alt

it's usually just a joke tho