Author Topic: New and Improved VCE  (Read 3427 times)

I thought the same when Spaceguys Wrench Events got overruled by the current event system.
I hated this new system, but looking at it now makes me realize the new system is 1000 times better.
So don't be too dismissive if the new VCE works differently, it might be better then you expected.

All I want the new system to have is the ability to change other peoples variables.
Like how VCE worked before the update where every brick owner has it own subsystem of variables.

I know it was to prevent people from "hacking" your game by giving themselves gold or something.
But the gamemode which used VCE to it's fullest potential were gamemode where the regular player didn't have the ability to build, let alone access a wrench.

It made making huge RPGs hard to do in group as every time you evented a brick, you had to change the owner to the host in order for it to work.

Why not make a new Variable System that could work with the new VCE? We could call it RPG Variable Events?

are there any problems with VCE? i haven't really found any.
if there are problems, i would like to hear of them so i know what to look out for
There is a thread somewhere that was about any issues with VCE, but  I don't know how old it is, maybe someone here can find it and post it, I am kind of busy at the moment to do so, sorry.

I've never run into a bug.  Limitations are prevalently, though simple additions could fix that.  As for a typed VCE-like system, I'm not so sure about.  As long as it is far from being code-like in its syntax, I'd be fine to try it.  But the whole point in using VCE versus code is specifically the formatting of VCE.

It got canceled didn't it?

No it didn't.

I've never run into a bug.  Limitations are prevalently, though simple additions could fix that.  As for a typed VCE-like system, I'm not so sure about.  As long as it is far from being code-like in its syntax, I'd be fine to try it.  But the whole point in using VCE versus code is specifically the formatting of VCE.

[0] onActivate -> Self -> _expr ->   x = x + 1
[1] onActivate -> Self -> _expr ->   x == 10   ->   2-3
[2] _onTrue -> Self -> playSound -> ...
[3] _onTrue -> Self -> _expr ->   x = 0

Or alternatively, since everything is an expression with a value, this can be substituted with:

[0] onActivate -> Self -> _expr ->   (x=x+1) % 10 == 0   ->   1
[1] _onTrue -> Self -> playSound -> ...

You don't always need actual _expr events. Here's a click counter:

onActivate -> Client -> CenterPrint -> <color:FFFFFF>Number of clicks: {{n = n + 1}}
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 03:55:01 AM by portify »

My hopes exactly.
I don't care if the option list is 2 miles long, Id rather not have to type stuff out.
I guess, though I'd like to isolate or combine portions of text in variables such as if I have <var:mg:<var:cl:BL_ID>money>, for me it will make a variable as 14257money.  That being said, an "IfVariableString" event would be nice with the extensions of Is, Includes, IncludesInstances (with number), and Is Not.

For instance I could assign all persistent variables to a dedicated minigame and use string combinations and isolations to transfer variables more efficiently.

Additionally, the ability to save variables to more objects, such as to the server, or to vehicles and bots would be nice.

On another hand, what does VCE subbing do, because I've never used that before.  I have a feeling that it has similar if not exact functions.


Client checking Add-On: Event_Variables
Loading Add-On: Event_Variables (CRC:-532789709)
Executing Add-Ons/Event_Variables/client.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Event_Variables/VCEClient.gui.
ERROR: function declaration failed: VCEClientHTTP::fetchManual
Activating package: VCE_Client

Activating package: VCE_Main
ERROR: ActivatePackage() - Package not found 'VCE_Main'
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (63): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (64): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (65): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (66): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (67): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (68): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (69): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (70): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (71): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (72): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (73): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (74): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (75): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (76): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (77): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (78): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (79): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (80): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (81): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (82): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (83): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (84): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (85): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (86): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (87): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (88): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (89): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (90): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (91): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (92): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (93): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (94): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (95): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (96): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (97): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (98): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (99): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (100): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (101): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (102): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (103): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (104): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (105): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (106): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (107): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (108): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (109): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (110): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (111): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (112): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (113): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (114): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (115): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (116): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (117): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (118): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (119): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (120): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (121): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (122): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (123): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (124): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (125): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (126): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (127): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (128): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (129): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (130): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (131): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (132): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (133): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (134): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (135): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (136): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (137): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (138): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (139): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (140): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (141): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (142): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (143): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (144): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (145): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (146): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (147): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (148): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (149): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (150): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (151): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (152): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (153): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (154): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (0): Unable to find function VCE_updateSaveFile
Activating package: VCE_Main
ERROR: ActivatePackage() - Package not found 'VCE_Main'
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifValue" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_retroCheck" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_stateFunction" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_callFunction" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_relayCallFunction" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_saveVariable" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_loadVariable" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class Player - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class Player - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class GameConnection - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class GameConnection - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class miniGame - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class miniGame - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class Vehicle - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class Vehicle - overwriting.
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (0): Unable to find function VCE_updateSaveFile
VCEClient: Server is running VCE 6.12.


Client checking Add-On: Event_Variables
Loading Add-On: Event_Variables (CRC:-532789709)
Executing Add-Ons/Event_Variables/client.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Event_Variables/VCEClient.gui.
ERROR: function declaration failed: VCEClientHTTP::fetchManual
Activating package: VCE_Client

Activating package: VCE_Main
ERROR: ActivatePackage() - Package not found 'VCE_Main'
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (63): Unable to find function registerSpecialVar
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (0): Unable to find function VCE_updateSaveFile
Activating package: VCE_Main
ERROR: ActivatePackage() - Package not found 'VCE_Main'
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifValue" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_retroCheck" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_stateFunction" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_callFunction" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_relayCallFunction" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_saveVariable" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_loadVariable" already registered on class fxDTSBrick - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class Player - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class Player - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class GameConnection - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class GameConnection - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class miniGame - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class miniGame - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_ifVariable" already registered on class Vehicle - overwriting.
registerOutputEvent() - Output event "VCE_modVariable" already registered on class Vehicle - overwriting.
Add-Ons/Event_Variables/server.cs (0): Unable to find function VCE_updateSaveFile
VCEClient: Server is running VCE 6.12.

Hmm, I like the almost-code thing Port posted.

We could also try something like this, though it would require a client-side mod as well as server-sided. I had a very good diagram for it but I deleted it a while ago, just think Gmod Wiremod or LBP2/LBP3 logic.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 08:12:56 PM by TristanLuigi »

Hmm, I like the almost-code thing Port posted.

That's good, considering it actually exists and works.

I have 3 big issues with VCE to date:
1. Overflow can easily happen on multiple onVariableFalse/True, and breaks the rest of the event.
2. There's a x second delay after you respawn before any of the VCE functions work.
3. Not sure what's going on with this but if you have multiple bricks that are supposed to do a VCE check onActivate and you press a brick, instead the brick under you is activated.

And smaller issues, but issues:
1. No actual manual anymore, and the alternative fixes don't really do any justice.
2. No way to actually track variables. There should be a GUI list or chat list of all current variables in the server, and furthermore a GUI to track per-player variables.

As for port's stuff, that doesn't look user-friendly at all and variables seem to take a whole other form.

1. No actual manual anymore, and the alternative fixes don't really do any justice.
Which is fixed in my version.

Which is fixed in my version.
Well that's good, I'm going to get that too.

But is anyone actually working on a new VCE yet?

But is anyone actually working on a new VCE yet?

There is a new VCE that's basically done.

That's good, considering it actually exists and works.

There is a new VCE that's basically done.

Why is it not released?

Is there some bad bugs in it or something?