"If you say 'rekt' or 'ded' you will be banned instant"
hyperbole, mostly
again bim's cherry picking screens to prove his argument, and in case you haven't noticed i'm not much of a stickler for abiding to a particular rule set anyway so i'm largely calling bans and mutes for harassment as i see em
it usually doesnt get too bad but if someone says 'rekt', 'ded', etcetra exclusively that's pretty good grounds for muting at least and banning at worst
I only believe in kicking and banning. The mute feature is useless gimmick in my opinion since it enables people to bully the commoners/provoke them to cause trouble further. Just kicking someone might wise them up or warn them to stop.
i agree on a fundamental level but kicking is freakishly low intensity unless the server is constantly full
like the only time kicking anyone works to convey anything is when they are also aware that they forgeted up and are actually repentant, but at that point you don't have a problem to solve- kicking them would only serve to reinforce the thing they already know not to do (and probably feel bad for doing) and tell the other people on the server you're not going to deal with their stuff if they do the same thing
muting on the other hand usually just straight solves the problem if someone's doing something invasive or inflammatory in chat and banning is the next tier up, and explicitly sends the rest of the server a clear 'this stuff is not ok' message and should only ever be used if they're doing something that explicitly registers them as incapable of living up to the server's minimum standard
temp bans are basically nonsense, also. like if someone is doing something objectionable and you ban them the chances of them recognizing 'oh, i should not do that thing' is actually shockingly slim because people will just try to bend the rules to suit them instead of adapt to suit new rules
like the only form of temp ban i have ever gotten any mileage out of is a 5 minute ban, which is essentially a kick With Consequences, and basically just serves the same consequences as a kick with the additional detriment that it might cause the guy to not come back