Author Topic: Has anyone seen my messages?  (Read 4491 times)

OP, why would you draw even more attention to something you are embarrassed about? I had no idea who YK even was, and now that I do, I still don't see why you're freaking out so much.

Who the heck is YK and what did OP do to hurt him so bad.
just going by the last page, it seems like op thinks this ruined his reputation

he then asked if anyone was seeing his messages other than the yk one, which went full on Streisand effect and now the last three pages have been people wondering what happened with yk
Oh okay thanks.

aidan10   waterore

I think I'll just leave this here.

hes doing the same stuff to mei ask "what" and he goes
Why are you so rude to your friend?

I'm not your buddy, guy.

cnai be your freind??

i'm FAIRLY sure everyone in this thread is making one of those stupid running jokes

on the unlikely case that they aren't, what the forget is going on

this is what i'm wondering



read thread, only acceptable reaction to it is this

no one wants to be my friend....

no one wants to be my friend....

i will be your friend, buddy ole pal


well i just can't honestly respect OP now that i know what he did to YK