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Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245607 times)

"You've been by our sides a long time and I really want to. So I have a suggestion that can determine this without risk of a nuclear fire if what you do say is true."
: Then what is it? What do you suggest?

: He's probably not going to stop the assault just because they're down a carrier and a squadron, anyway.
: No, but it'd be that much easier for the Goths to stop the attack if Aesthia is down two high-performing squadrons and the two deadliest aces their side produced.
: Hmmm...
: What was that? What was that "hmm" about?

: Hmmm...
: What was that? What was that "hmm" about?

"It's means they have a bead on both Virvel and I. Also a nice little ego boost, But the former one is more important."

"How diplomatic. How Aesthian a thing to do,"

Stupid cunt. Jaakko thinks to himself.

"Hearing that makes me want to trust your word that much less, considering you seem to have conspired to kill my squadron, and I assume you're holding one of mine hostage right now,"

He is silent for a moment before a roaring outburst and him smashing the metal of the roosterpit wall.

"Somehow, nobody knows or heard of this? How braindead handicapped does Tarkirov have to be to go through with this if he knows? How little faith do you have in us that you'd go so far as to kill us to stop it? How stuff is our intelligence and our whole government if nobody knows and one man alone can press the button? And do you not want the war to end ever?"
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 10:25:59 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

"Come to the carrier and testify on your intel, or restore our communications so we can find out if the old man is aware of the killswitch and determine his truthfulness for ourselves."

Tippy's brow furrows angrily

"Or, we fight, viciously, and burn the bridges we've built. friends."
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 10:34:03 PM by Tayasaurus »

Jaakko adds in.

"And you'd ought to let Ellie and her Wyvern go as well. If you hurt her there will be either nothing of you or nothing of me left, but I'll be damned if you'd get away with it,"

He looks at Ellie, then to his IFF and radar, and back to Ellie.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 10:31:38 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

"It's means they have a bead on both Virvel and I. Also a nice little ego boost, But the former one is more important."
Virvel slows speed to match with Walt, brings her plane closer, and waves at him to get his attention.

"How diplomatic. How Aesthian a thing to do,"

Stupid cunt. Jaakko thinks to himself.

"Hearing that makes me want to trust your word that much less, considering you seem to have conspired to kill my squadron, and I assume you're holding one of mine hostage right now,"

He is silent for a moment before a roaring outburst and him smashing the metal of the roosterpit wall.

"Somehow, nobody knows or heard of this? How braindead handicapped does Tarkirov have to be to go through with this if he knows? How little faith do you have in us that you'd go to this length to stop it? How stuff is our intelligence and our whole government if one man alone can press the button? And do you not want the war to end ever?"
Jaakko adds in.
"And you'd ought to let Ellie and her Wyvern go as well. If you hurt her there will be either nothing of you or nothing of me left, but like hell you're going to hold her against us,"
He looks at Ellie, then to his IFF and radar, and back to Ellie.
Ellie is still listed as a friendly, and the Wyvern is not altering its course.
: We don't want to hurt Ellie, we just want to talk.
: Do you want the war to go on? Let's assume for a moment that we're wrong, that destroying the Imperial command center will somehow completely and totally destroy their ability to respond. Then what? Do you have any idea how bloody a proper terrestrial invasion of the Imperial mainland will be? Your father's in the army, Crash, is he not? What do you think's going to happen to him if a ground invasion is greenlit?

"Come to the carrier and testify on your intel, or restore our communications so we can find out if the old man is aware of the killswitch and determine his truthfulness for ourselves."
Tippy's brow furrows angrily
"Or, we fight, viciously, and burn the bridges we've built."
: I'm- I'm sorry, that's just not possible. We're too far away from your fleet to communicate with them, and if we go back to your carrier and give a proper testimony it'll be too late to get back out there and do anything to hinder the attack and all this will have been for naught.
: Please, Tippy, you just have to trust us. I didn't want to have to fight you, none of us did, that was all Xiaomei's orders!
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 10:39:09 PM by Qwepir »

Markus remains silent, unsure of what to do.

Elu doesn't even wait for a response before lunging at the woman with the gun, the sight of her pointing it at Cualli was all he needed to make a decision. He crashes into her and knocks her to the ground, causing her suppressed pistol to go off twice. The first bullet, meant for Cualli, catches Elu in the arm and the second ricochets off the ceiling and tumbles down the hall. The man next to her gets his (also suppressed) pistol out of his holster and shoots Elu twice in the back, but to no immediate effect, and the one in the hat steps back and nearly drops their tablet.

Seeing that any hopes of negotiating peacefully have been squandered and hearing that the guns are suppressed, Cualli takes action. "Get her gun!" She shouts the order to Elu, drawing her own gun and firing a single shot at the guy in the welding mask.

"Do you really think anyone would invade the imperial homeland?"

He looks back to his IFF, then again to Ellie.

"We have contact with our carrier if you'd stop jamming us. Then we could communicate to the Vice Marshal, and then he could bounce it to Tarkirov. We're also receiving refueling from cruisers headed our way. Surely they could fuel you too? You'd ought to have some skin in this game, huh?"

His mic is open for a moment.

"And you'd ought to give Ellie control of her craft,"

"Do any of you realize how many times i've been stabbed in the back in my career? Palestra was all of that and more. Nagato, I don't want to fight you either but your squadron has to offer a compromise, hell something. You're asking us to turn our backs on a war that we've been driving for what seems like an eternity."

Tippy relaxes and lets her brain think for a moment.

"You have to let at least one of our members return to the carrier. It doesn't have to be Ellie. If the intel hasn't yet reached Tarkirov, then a respected member might be enough to stop him. Again, we don't know if he knows. If he doesn't, then at least maybe he might call it off. If we can even get a hint that he knows i'd be willing to back out of this. A Jet to and back to inform us would be enough. You're wanting me to put an ungodly amount of trust in your words, we'd appreciate if you returned the favor. There is still time! Your willingness to compromise will speak volumes."

"I'm skeptical, But I'm inclined to Believe the Kintharians."Walter spots Virvel and looks over gesturing two fingers to acknowledge he sees her " ...even if our squadrons do fight and push you off, our force will still be damaged and make it hard enough to complete the attack... along with international relations going into turmoil. It's real annoying how our arms are being twisted though."

"Do you really think anyone would invade the imperial homeland?"

He looks back to his IFF, then again to Ellie.

"We have contact with our carrier if you'd stop jamming us. Then we could communicate to the Vice Marshal, and then he could bounce it to Tarkirov. We're also receiving refueling from cruisers headed our way. Surely they could fuel you too? You'd ought to have some skin in this game, huh?"

His mic is open for a moment.

"And you'd ought to give Ellie control of her craft,"
"Do any of you realize how many times i've been stabbed in the back in my career? Palestra was all of that and more. Nagato, I don't want to fight you either but your squadron has to offer a compromise, hell something. You're asking us to turn our backs on a war that we've been driving for what seems like an eternity."

Tippy relaxes and lets her brain think for a moment.

"You have to let at least one of our members return to the carrier. It doesn't have to be Ellie. If the intel hasn't yet reached Tarkirov, then a respected member might be enough to stop him. Again, we don't know if he knows. If he doesn't, then at least maybe he might call it off. If we can even get a hint that he knows i'd be willing to back out of this. A Jet to and back to inform us would be enough. You're wanting me to put an ungodly amount of trust in your words, we'd appreciate if you returned the favor. There is still time! Your willingness to compromise will speak volumes."
: I don't-
: Fine. One of you can return to the carrier. I will shadow you there and make sure you stay true to your word. I should note though that none of us have control over Ellie's plane.

"I'm skeptical, But I'm inclined to Believe the Kintharians."Walter spots Virvel and looks over gesturing two fingers to acknowledge he sees her " ...even if our squadrons do fight and push you off, our force will still be damaged and make it hard enough to complete the attack... along with international relations going into turmoil. It's real annoying how our arms are being twisted though."
Virvel points at Kommandant's plane, mimics racking the slide of a pistol, points her finger gun at him, and imitates shooting him in the back.

Seeing that any hopes of negotiating peacefully have been squandered and hearing that the guns are suppressed, Cualli takes action. "Get her gun!" She shouts the order to Elu, drawing her own gun and firing a single shot at the guy in the welding mask.
Cualli's BS 27
Single Shot provides bonus of 10
Point Blank provides bonus of 30
Test taken at 67
Roll: 16 - success
Result: 1 hit to body

Pistol damage 1d10+3: Rolled 9
12 Total damage
Kintharian's Toughness Bonus 3
Total damage reduction: 3
KZG Engineer takes 9 damage
HP: 1/10

The engineer gets shot in the side and doubles over, throwing his arm out towards Cualli and discharging two shots as he falls to his knee.
KZG Engineer's BS 35
Semi-auto burst provides no bonus or penalty
Test taken at 35
Roll: 61 - failure

Neither connect with Cualli.

Elu, in a rare display of ignoring instructions, just begins pummeling the Kintharian's face with his fist.

"I still want to see one of you come with us to Tarkirov's group. I'll push you with my aircraft if I have to, I don't care. It's the least you could do make your words good it seems you've done everything possible to minimize your stake,"

Cualli lunges forward and swings an uppercut aimed at the engineer's jaw, hoping to incapacitate him with minimal noise. If she's noticed Elu's violent outburst, she seems content to let him carry on with exacting his revenge upon the woman in the glasses.

Walter simply holds up his wrist and taps twice where a watch would be then holds up his extended flat hand in an attempt to say wait.