
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245993 times)

Jaakko is thrown into a wall. He gasps for air and claws grabs for traction on the floor. His exposed skin is singed, his eyes stung by heat, and ears ringing from the blast. He clambers forward and pushes himself upright. Through the ringing, Jaakko hears the popping of ammunition and the blare of alarms. He looks for his exit, then looks back to see if Tippy and Nagato. Tippy!


Jaakko strains to raise his voice to a shout after having his wind stolen from him. He cannot hear his own voice.


Looking around yourself you see everyone else on the walkway in an equally dazed stupor, with Virvel confusedly looking back at everyone else as if to make sure she's not imagining things. The evening sky is being lit up by stray LAMS fire from both the Indomitus and the cruiser a few hundred meters out, and a wide, incredibly fast moving silhouette passes between the cruiser and carrier at just above your elevation, seemingly fading into the background as it continues on its path. As you run towards the door you entered from, a missile strikes the deck below you, sending a large piece of debris up through the walkway behind you. Virvel is thrown off her feet on the other side of the newly formed gap, and Arkhip falls forward, his momentum causing him to roll under the railing and fall off the balcony. He grabs the ledge to prevent himself from falling off the carrier entirely, but lacks any foothold to pull himself back up.

"Fenrirs?" Walter stammers out disoriented from the muffle of noise around, he quickly sorts himself and gains his bearings from the blast as he wipes away some of the blood coming out of a gash across his cheekbone. He shortly looks over at Virvel briefly before promptly deciding Arkhip is in a more dire need, Walter moves back over to the railing and hooks his leg around one of the posts as he leans down to attempt and grab any good grip on Arkhip with his hands.

What the forget

Tippy grabs hold of something while trying to get her breath back and looks back where Nagato was staring. The sound of the screaming and cooking ammunition set off alarms in her head from when she use to operate in a Tank.
Jaakko is thrown into a wall. He gasps for air and claws grabs for traction on the floor. His exposed skin is singed, his eyes stung by heat, and ears ringing from the blast. He clambers forward and pushes himself upright. Through the ringing, Jaakko hears the popping of ammunition and the blare of alarms. He looks for his exit, then looks back to see if Tippy and Nagato. Tippy!
Jaakko strains to raise his voice to a shout after having his wind stolen from him. He cannot hear his own voice.
Nagato remains rooted to the spot, fixated on the direction you (and the blastwave) came from.

Markus finds someone nearby and asks what the hell's going on.
: [What do you expect me to know!? Get to your station!]

"Fenrirs?" Walter stammers out disoriented from the muffle of noise around, he quickly sorts himself and gains his bearings from the blast as he wipes away some of the blood coming out of a gash across his cheekbone. He shortly looks over at Virvel briefly before promptly deciding Arkhip is in a more dire need, Walter moves back over to the railing and hooks his leg around one of the posts as he leans down to attempt and grab any good grip on Arkhip with his hands.
As you look at Virvel you see her standing back up, seemingly unharmed, and trying to gauge if she can jump across the gap in the scaffolding.
Xiaomei and Yamashiro run inside, leaving only you and Paladius to attempt pulling Arkhip back on to solid ground.
Walt's Strength 30
Walt's SB+TB=6
Max lifting weight 72kg
Total weight being lifted: 81kg
Test is Challenging: +/- 0
Assistance provides bonus of 10
Test taken at 40
Roll: 31 - success

The two of you are easily able to pull Arkhip up. Paladius breathes a sigh of relief before shouting directions.
: [Get to the-] Go to your planes! We'll receive our orders there!

"...why do I even bother..."
Markus climbs in to his aircraft.

Tippy shoves herself off the wall she was holding onto and dashes to Nagato. She grabs Nagato by the shoulder to snap her back into focus.

"Nagato! We need to go! Armory is cooking!"

"I'll catch up-" Walter moves to help out Virvel in what little ways he can, looking for alternate entry points into the carrier or any object that he could use to bridge the gap
« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 01:28:36 PM by Badger »

"I'll catch up-" Walter moves to help out Virvel in what little ways he can, looking for alternate entry points into the carrier or any object that he could use to bridge the gap
There's nothing available to make a bridge, but down the walkway behind her you see an aura of incandescent yellow light presumably indicating access to the interior of the ship. Virvel either didn't notice or isn't thinking, because she still looks ready to jump.

Tippy shoves herself off the wall she was holding onto and dashes to Nagato. She grabs Nagato by the shoulder to snap her back into focus.

"Nagato! We need to go! Armory is cooking!"
Nagato stammers something about trying to help the people inside but doesn't push the issue.

"...why do I even bother..."
Markus climbs in to his aircraft.
You do a little listening in on the Imperial squadron frequencies while you wait for the rest of your unit. It sounds like allied planes are already in the air engaging the Aesthians.
: [Cruiser Ourossea, Grao Leader. Check fire, your LAMS just hit me.]
: [Understood Grao, our apologies. I don't know what the problem is, but we can't seem to hit the smaller craft.]
: [Folcher, you have an enemy craft decloaking at five o'clock! Evade!]
: [Drokk! I'm hit- engine's out!]
: [Grao six, make all effort to reach nav point Eta before ejecting. Civilians are still evacuating to the shelters, do not drop your plane in the city center.]

Tippy looks at the armory entrance again then shoves the rifle case into Nagato's hands.

"You and Kirves go! I'll be back!"

Tippy heads back towards the armory.

what am I doing. this is stupid. really stupid.

Ash stumbles out of the lavatory and nearly bumps into a group of personnel rushing down the corridor. One person in the back shouts something at him in Gothic as he runs past.

Though not completely aware of what's going on, Ash gets the gist of the situation and tries to trace his way back to the hangar bay.

Walter waves and points out what he can see while yelling

"There! Is that another way into the hull?"

Jaakko sees Tippy run back towards the armory.

"Tippy you loving idiot!"

He moves down the corridor. The heat radiating from the fire begins to become unbearable. His hearing is coming back to him, but his ears are only met with the deafening sounding of the alarms and ammunition cooking in the armory.

He moves past a stunned Nagato, and yanks her behind him and towards the exit as he passes.

Jaakko then runs for Tippy, grabbing at her and trying to stop her.

"What the forget?! We gotta get out!"

Walter waves and points out what he can see while yelling
"There! Is that another way into the hull?"
Virvel looks confused for a moment, then glances behind her. Seeing the doorway, she opts to take the easy way back into the ship instead of the stupid and risky way.

Tippy looks at the armory entrance again then shoves the rifle case into Nagato's hands.
"You and Kirves go! I'll be back!"
Tippy heads back towards the armory.
Jaakko sees Tippy run back towards the armory.
"Tippy you loving idiot!"
He moves down the corridor. The heat radiating from the fire begins to become unbearable. His hearing is coming back to him, but his ears are only met with the deafening sounding of the alarms and ammunition cooking in the armory.
He moves past a stunned Nagato, and yanks her behind him and towards the exit as he passes.
Jaakko then runs for Tippy, grabbing at her and trying to stop her.
"What the forget?! We gotta get out!"
Nagato hugs the rifle case to her chest and runs to the hangar deck.

Walter huffs out a breath of relief and scurries back inside through the doorway he can access, then heads down towards the hanger to gear up by the Nosferatu he previously used.

Tippy runs part way into the heat, throwing her sleeved arm up to cover her face. She tries to listen over the deafening noise for cries for help.

gods you're stupid, what even keeps you going? Why do you even care?

Jaakko grapples on to Tippy to stop her.

"Stop you loving moron! You'll burn in there! We've gotta get!"

The air Jaakko draws in starts to burn his lungs.