
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246265 times)

: Right. And I am supposed to trust you and let you go based on nothing but your word. How do I know you are not lying to me?
Roger stops walking.

"Because nobody is on my side."

"I would have done the stupid thing and have ran by now. I also would have waited on that jolly looking cat thing to do some damage, or would have pretended not to know anything about dressing wounds. The reality is i need you. My country has all but betrayed me in the court of law and now i have to deal with a psychopath on a journey to kill my suspect, which draws closer because your side appears to be losing. I can only see this as beneficial. If you do trust me i can provide you a rare advantage, and given the tide of the war you could really use it."

Back at base, Tippy and Tourist are told they're to help with the SAR mission, and board a Kintharian VTOL with the rest of the team. (Aesthian helicopters simply lack the range and speed to get over there in any reasonable timeframe.)

Roger stops walking.
"Because nobody is on my side."
"I would have done the stupid thing and have ran by now. I also would have waited on that jolly looking cat thing to do some damage, or would have pretended not to know anything about dressing wounds. The reality is i need you. My country has all but betrayed me in the court of law and now i have to deal with a psychopath on a journey to kill my suspect, which draws closer because your side appears to be losing. I can only see this as beneficial. If you do trust me i can provide you a rare advantage, and given the tide of the war you could really use it."
: That is quite a story, but all your behavior so far proves is that you are smart enough to not run off in hostile terrain without someone who knows how not to die. Your people have already demonstrated that they will break rules when they think they can get away with it, how can I be sure you will follow through with your promise?

man she's salty af about those WAR CRIMES

man she's salty af about those WAR CRIMES

your best friend or favorite robot is exploded into a billion fiery bits, what do?

"Let's go get Roger."

"[May the Blood God have mercy on us.]"

your best friend or favorite robot is exploded into a billion fiery bits, what do?
don't murder a defenseless pilot who had nothing to do with it, for starters

Back at base, Tippy and Tourist are told they're to help with the SAR mission, and board a Kintharian VTOL with the rest of the team. (Aesthian helicopters simply lack the range and speed to get over there in any reasonable timeframe.)
: That is quite a story, but all your behavior so far proves is that you are smart enough to not run off in hostile terrain without someone who knows how not to die. Your people have already demonstrated that they will break rules when they think they can get away with it, how can I be sure you will follow through with your promise?
"If you're any example to what your actual people is like then i can assume you are not shrewd business dealers. (except like slavery you're pretty good at that ain't yah?). I'm a risk investment but a sincere one. But since i'm obviously your enemy by military association alone i can see why that's a hard choice to make. In either case if you don't trust me feel free to try and keep me as your prisoner. But i can't imagine that going well for anyone if we continue that game."

Rogers natural twitchy smile had formed on his face but barely for a second.

"I'm gonna throw a rock at him if we find him. Bastard was crazy to take on that many missiles. Glad i wasn't the only one who didn't treat his bailout as an afterthought back on base."

"What he did was very brave, to say the least."

"If you're any example to what your actual people is like then i can assume you are not shrewd business dealers. (except like slavery you're pretty good at that ain't yah?). I'm a risk investment but a sincere one. But since i'm obviously your enemy by military association alone i can see why that's a hard choice to make. In either case if you don't trust me feel free to try and keep me as your prisoner. But i can't imagine that going well for anyone if we continue that game."

Rogers natural twitchy smile had formed on his face but barely for a second.
Having her back turned to you, she didn't catch the smile, but she did hear the poor, poor choice of words.
: All-right, you know what?

She stops and sets Paladius on the ground.
: Ow- what's going on?-
: My friend, you have lost your gun privilege. Hand it over.

She steps closer to you, with her hand out.

She steps closer to you, with her hand out.
Roger flips the gun handle first and offers it.

"Here you go. It's not me you need to worry about."

The Jungle suddenly seemed a lot more quiet than usual. The insects have even stopped.

Roger flips the gun handle first and offers it.

"Here you go. It's not me you need to worry about."

The Jungle suddenly seemed a lot more quiet than usual. The insects have even stopped.
She holsters the gun and picks Paladius back up. Even the bugs seem in awe of how tactless those last two sentences were.
: We have been on the move for a while. In thirty minutes, we will take a moment to rest. How does that sound?

We have been on the move for a while. In thirty minutes, we will take a moment to rest. How does that sound?
"You're the boss. Though i feel like you probably don't actually know where you're going. Heh."

That half hour goes by with nobody willing to make conversation with you until Coaxoch finally sets Paladius down again.
: Right. So. How would we keep in contact, if you are going to leak information? And who is it you are looking for that I would keep safe, or whatever it was you wanted?

In the meantime, Tippy and Tourist's VTOL begins approaching the beach. The Kintharians have wasted no time establishing a beachhead, with dozens of hovercraft come ashore to deploy thousands of troops and vehicles, while the landing sit offshore with the rest of the fleet. Clearing operations are already underway, carving a route further inland.
: Alright, we're on station, beginning search pattern. Damn that jungle's thick down there, hope your guy still has his flare gun because we won't be able to see anything from up here.

(The VTOL and all the beachhead commotion is too far away for Roger and company to hear.)